12 Paths of Spirituality

Aries (SAT)

Aries is a culture-bearer/householder Mystery School.  Traditionally referred to as a “positive” and “masculine” way of life, in Shamanic Astrology, it falls into the evolution pathway, by way of fire (intuitive function).

Historically, those with Aries dharma were the defenders of the ways of life of the culture.  They defended the hierarchies, the leaders, and the people.  In India, they were the Kshatryia Caste, in Japan, the Samurai, and the knights of Medieval times.

Psychologically, the aim of Aries is the capacity to commit, to be completely focused, with a strong indomitable will, totally all-in, in dedication to a noble cause, mission, or purpose.  For Aries, commitment is the foundation for true freedom.

Spiritually, the goal of clear commitment to one’s dharma can only be gained through the surrender of one’s analytical evaluation, and the abandonment of any attachment to duality. Transcending duality, and surrendering any need to figure things out, will lead to the intuitive revelation of one’s true dharma, the genuine mission and purpose.

The spiritual essences of Aries include:

  • Commitment
  • One-pointedness
  • Nobility
  • Valour
  • Honour
  • Righteousness

The Yogas of Aries include:

  • Martial arts
  • Physical fitness
  • Pursuit of excellence
  • Nobility of character, codes of conduct with commitment to moral and social codes
  • Dedicated service to the noble cause

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, in the evolution of the Mystery Schools, the emerging task of Aries is to be a defender and upholder of the cosmic order, with an evolving recognition that genuine righteousness, true integrity and goodness, is not the same as the older and dogmatic doctrinal views of good and bad or right and wrong, but comes from a direct intuitive connection to Great Mystery.  The new Aries dharma is to be a warrior for peace.

Taurus (Ananda)

Taurus is a self-interest/self-focus Mystery School.  Traditionally referred to as  “negative” and “feminine” way of life, in Shamanic Astrology it falls into the involution pathway by way of Earth (sensation function).  Being an earth sign, the overall project being to bring spirit (consciousness) into matter, and specifically for the purpose of enjoying it.

Historically, the Taurus dharma has links to the Epicurean mystery school of Greece.  The aim of Epicureanism was to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.  The methodologies involved intensity of pleasure, duration of pleasure, and moderation, in the cases where any extreme could produce pain.

Psychologically, Taurus cultivates being rather than doing, with the aim of being in the present moment experienced by the senses, as long as possible.

Three additional states are cultivated by Taurus:

  • Intimacy as art, as something worth experiencing for its own sake.
  • Beauty and aesthetics, as an experience to savor for one’s self .
  • The experience of true receivership, knowing what is pleasurable and good, and valuing the giver.

Spiritually, Taurus celebrates the fullness and the pleasure of spirit in the senses, with the capacity to fully and completely savor the present moment.

The spiritual essences of Taurus are:

  • Beauty
  • Contentment
  • Stability
  • Patience

The Yogas of Taurus include:

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Partner Yoga
  • Red Tantra Yoga
  • Intimacy as art
  • The pleasure of creating art

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, the emergent task of the Taurus Mystery School is to assist in creating heaven on earth, a new Garden of Eden, without the “fall”.

Gemini (Chit)

Gemini is an “In service to spirit” Mystery School.  Traditionally referred to as “positive” and “masculine”, in Shamanic Astrology it falls into the evolution pathway by way of air (thinking function).  Being an air dharma, consciousness and the mind take precedence.  Gemini embraces maximum diversity of mental pathways, with a never-ending curiosity about as many as possible.  The approach of Gemini is to enjoy and take delight in the dance of consciousness.  Ultimately, in its path toward realization, Gemini uses the mind to go beyond the limits of the mind.  This is a pathway beyond duality and polarity.  The freedom and liberation derived from this project, is not for self-interest or self-focus, but rather as service, directed by spirit (higher consciousness or higher self).  The freedom and liberation stems from the reality that the mind cannot know it all, but the diversity, complexity, and wide range of what it can know is a source of delight and of play.

The spiritual essences of Gemini are:

  • Curiosity
  • Humor
  • Play
  • “Irreverence”

The Yogas of Gemini:

  • Zen
  • Aikido
  • Satire
  • Gymnastics and acrobatics
  • Alchemy
  • Many forms of creative expression, such as song and dance, story-telling, magic

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, the emergent task of the Gemini Mystery School is to find and then design the best ways to bypass the gates of duality.  Having accomplished that, Gemini can then be able to explore the unlimited pleasures and entertainments available from the mind, without being trapped by the dualities of the mind.

Cancer (Sat/Ananda)

Cancer is a Culture-bearer/Householder Mystery School.  Traditionally referred to as a “negative” and a “feminine” pathway, for Shamanic Astrology it falls into the path of involution by way of water (feeling function).  Being a water dharma, the feeling function is the primary motivator for action, including empathy, compassion, and sensitivity to the needs of others, with a strong proclivity for giving, tuning into the needs of others.

Historically, Cancer’s dharma has been to investigate and then uphold the traditions and institutions that provide security and long-lasting stability and nourishment to the children, family, and community, with a commitment to the well-being of the future generations.  All avenues of providing personal and responsible nourishment, in a vertical direction, are in its pervue:  the relationships of parent to child, teacher to student, therapist to client, etc.

The spiritual essences of Cancer include:

  • Mother/nurture instincts
  • Empathy

The Yogas of Cancer include:

  • Karma Yoga
  • Nurturing and the helping of others
  • Successfully raising a family

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, the emergent task of the Cancer Mystery School is to redesign the society in such a way that nourishment is available to all of Earth’s peoples.  This revisioning and redesign of family and community structure will make it truly safe for the children, and the children within us all.  This is done in service and with reference to future generations.

Leo (SAT and Chit)

The Leo Mystery School is one of self-interest/self-focus, that was traditionally referred to as “positive” and “masculine”.  For Shamanic Astrology, it falls into the path of evolution via Fire(intuitive function).  Its project is to experience being creator for its own sake.

Historically, Leo has been linked to ancient understanding of royalty and in the priesthood(for example the Brahman Caste of India), those with a different bloodline, who modeled for humanity the best qualities of what an authentic and enlightened human being could be.  Those with Leo dharma were also committed to serving the people, always inspiring them to be all that they could be.

The spiritual path of the Leo Mystery School lies in realizing our sovereignty and autonomy, thereby recognizing our identity with divinity.  This involves the development of radiant and radical self-love.  Developing from this is the courage and will to demonstrate one’s creatorship, exemplified by the simple joy of creation, just because you can.  Fueled by fire (intuitive function), those with Leo dharma create in an actional and immediate way directed by a connection to one’s divinity.

The spiritual essences of Leo include:

  • Self-love
  • Courage
  • Strength
  • Inspiration
  • Charisma
  • Generosity

The Yogas of Leo include:

  • Inspired leadership
  • Raja yoga
  • Vision Carrier

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, the emergent task of the Leo Mystery School is to reestablish our link with our divinity, and to evolve to the point where we can co-create with Great Mystery.  From a place of sovereignty and autonomy, Leo will create and then demonstrate the best qualities possible of an authentic, fully developed human being.

Virgo (Ananda/Chit)

Virgo is an in service to spirit Mystery School, that was traditionally referred to as “negative’ and “feminine”.  For Shamanic Astrology, it falls into the path of involution.  Its project is to bring spirit (consciousness) into matter, in order to worship/honor and recognize its sacredness through recognition of its Pattern.

Historically, Virgo represented Gaia, or Earth Mother.  Virgo’s dedication and commitment to HER was through what can be termed “women’s mysteries”, including things like agriculture, knowing what plants and herbs to gather, understanding and honoring a woman’s menstrual cycle, knowing the ceremonies and all that a priest/priestess was involved with.  This knowledge, of course, was not only reserved for women.  In addition, Virgo was non secular, and committed to a “sacred work” or calling that was in service to spirit.  The calling far outweighed worldly success or reputation, and was often evidenced by a renunciate lifestyle.  Being an earth dharma, what could be directly experienced with the senses was most important.

Spiritually, the most profound connection to wholeness and the path towards liberation is through directly cognizing and comprehending the sacred pattern or web of life, and then being in alignment with it.

The spiritual essences of Virgo include:

  • Discrimination
  • Pattern recognition
  • Service
  • Integrity (not selling out)
  • Impeccability

The Yogas of Virgo include:

  • Hygiene
  • Right Diet
  • Adherence to pattern
  • Creation of ceremony and ritual
  • Stoicism
  • Inquiry

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, the emergent task of the Virgo Mystery School is to reestablish honor and respect for our Earth Mother Gaia.  To accomplish this, creating sacred ceremony that supports her.  Included in the project is restoration of woman’s mysteries and rites of passage.  Overall, it’s to reconnect with the Pattern, and help reweave the web of life.

Libra (SAT/Chit)

Libra is a householder/culture-bearer dharma, traditionally referred to as “positive” and “masculine”.  For Shamanic Astrology, it falls in the path of evolution, by way of air, thinking function.  Historically, the Libra Mystery School designed the traditions and the institutions of sustainable long term relationship, through agreements and commitments.  The varieties of marriage, including what has been termed “pair bonding”, as well as the idealized desires for relationship being a path to god.  Libra’s domain of responsibility also included social mores, and diplomacy as principles and ideas.  The Libran Dharma’s major focus is on personal relationships, with other human beings.

Psychologically, the goal of the Libran Mystery School was to be mirrored accurately through our personal relationships.

Spiritually, the goal of the Libran Mystery School is to discover and then highly value “personalness”,  referred to as the “Pearl Beyond Price” in Sufism and the Ridhwan School.  This is then experienced as our true essence, after stripping away the accomplishments on our resume and our ordinary egoic identity.  It’s the experience of being loved just for “you”.

The spiritual essences of Libra include:

  • Personalness
  • Harmony

The Yogas of Libra include:

  • Marriage
  • Mediation
  • Relationship as a path to god
  • Mirroring
  • Collaboration

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, the emergent task of the Libran Mystery School is to create new ways of developing non-hierarchical (horizontal) conscious equal relationships and partnerships, celebrating   the ideal of collaboration.  Libra’s contribution includes equally valuing all the possible places on the wheel of life.

Scorpio( Ananda)

Scorpio is the self-interest/self-focus mystery school, traditionally referred to as a “negative” and “feminine” pathway.  For Shamanic Astrology, it falls into the path of involution.  Operating through water (feeling function), the project of Scorpio is to have the courage to explore the edge of aliveness and life force for its own sake.

Historically, Scorpio has been associated with a variety of non-mainstream and heterodox ways of life.  These have included Shamanism and sorcery, various tantric yoga approaches, and other ways of maximizing our greatest possible allotment of life force (energy).  It has been the responsibility of the Scorpio Mystery School to maximize its allotment, without the mediation, censoring or judgment of the mind.  Scorpio dharma celebrates desire, recognizing it as the engine of creation.  This is not to be confused with attachment to desire.

Psychologically, Scorpio dharma is entirely about energy and the capacity to feel it. This is rather like a non-pejorative view if the Freudian “id”. Scorpio responds with immediacy and without restriction. Either you feel it or you don’t!

Spiritually, Scorpio dharma explores right use of will, and right engagement with power. A goal is to experience maximum Ananda, to plug directly into the infinite Energy of Great Mystery.

The spiritual essences of Scorpio include:

  • Intensity
  • Passion
  • Depth
  • Aliveness
  • Desire
  • Surrender

The Yogas of Scorpio include:

  • Tantra Yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Many earth-based Shamanic practices
  • Breathwork

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, the emergent task of the Scorpio Mystery School is to reframe shamanism and many varieties of Tantra, with the recognition that there is no scarcity of life force in the universe, and that new trainings and knowledge be explored, allowing for human beings to access their maximum capacity for experiencing passion and aliveness.

Sagittarius (Chit)

Sagittarius is an “in service to spirit” Mystery School, traditionally referred to as “positive” and “masculine”.  For Shamanic Astrology, it falls in the path of evolution through the element of fire (intuitive function).  The Sagittarian project is to discover the truth, and open up new pathways towards that goal.

Historically, the Sagittarian dharma has been one of exploration, adventure, and philosophy, with a strong emphasis on the meaning and purpose of life.  Quite often, it was associated with a renunciate lifestyle.

Psychologically, Sagittarian dharma aligns with Jungian thought, where meaning and purpose outweighs all other life priorities, such as sex, will, power, or even survival.

Spiritually, whilst it’s the responsibility of Sagittarius to explore and adventure towards finding the truth for themselves, these actions are not primarily for self-interest, it’s actually performed in service to spirit, thus opening up pathways for all of humanity.

The spiritual essences of Sagittarius include:

  • Enthusiasm
  • Optimism
  • Idealism
  • Openness

The yogas of Sagittarius include:

  • Vision quests
  • Wayfaring
  • The rite of “initiation” itself
  • Philosophy
  • Inquiry

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, in the evolution of this Mystery School, the emerging task of Sagittarius is to question all dogma and the crystallizations of “truth”, and to boldly go into new territory, whereby always seeing the “truth” as ever-changing, ever-widening.  The quest for meaning and purpose is a process, not a destination.

Capricorn (SAT)

Capricorn is a householder/culture-bearer mystery school.  Traditionally referred to as a “negative” and “feminine” pathway, for Shamanic Astrology it falls in the path of involution by way of earth. Its project is to bring spirit (consciousness) into matter, in order to master and manage it.

Historically, Capricorn established the traditions and the ways of life that created sustainable and practical foundation for humanity, honoring the past, but always with a concern with the many generations to follow.  For the Capricorn dharma, practical results were more important than ideals. Capricorn’s project is to discover, understand, and then manage the material plane, mastering the operating manual of objective reality. But this is not done as an end in itself, for its own sake, but rather for the benefit and workability of the world.

Psychologically, Capricorn operates in a hierarchical (vertical) way, and symbolizes the relationships that legitimately work that way: parent and child, teacher and student, therapist and client.

Spiritually, because Capricorn can connect the farthest outward extent of reality to the densest materiality, thus apprehending and sensing the entire creation, it’s imperative that this experience becomes the wisdom that serves humanity from a place of practical wisdom.

The spiritual essences of Capricorn include:

  • Wisdom
  • Right teaching
  • Authority
  • Responsibility

The Yogas of Capricorn include:

  • Sacred geometry
  • Architecture
  • Ashtanga yoga

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, in the evolution of the mystery schools, the emergent task of Capricorn is to objectively discover what works for the livability and sustainability of the whole planet and all the people.   At this turning point, Capricorn must again align with the circle of grandmothers, and the Sacred Feminine, and leave behind its rather long and disastrous usurpation by the patriarchy.

Aquarius (Chit)

Aquarius is a self-interest/self-focus dharma that was traditionally referred to as “positive” and “masculine”.  For Shamanic Astrology, it falls into the path of evolution, by way of air (thinking function).  The project of Aquarius is to have the courage to expand consciousness as far and wide as possible, for its own sake.

Historically, Aquarius has generally been associated with the leading edge of things, the avant garde, and the completely unique.  Pretty much all ways of thinking that exist outside the box, outside the established, are in the domain of the Aquarian dharma.  But always, as much as possible, with a connection to universal values: higher love, higher meaning, higher truth, and above all, objectivity.  Interestingly, the beginnings of the scientific age were routed in the Aquarian dharma, with its strong impulse to objectively perceive reality without emotional, subjective, or superstitious overtones that required only belief.

Psychologically, Aquarius aspires for objectivity and detachment, cooly surveying the widest possible view.

Spiritually, Aquarius attempts to transcend the rational, evaluative  mind, and to reach the ground of pure consciousness itself.  This is the “eye” behind the eye, the high witness, the fair witness, that perceives all that is, without judgment, merely noting the rising and falling of all thought, and of all phenomena.


The spiritual essences of Aquarius include:

  • Objectivity
  • Insight
  • Spaciousness
  • Uniqueness
  • Skepticism
  • Brilliance
  • Idealism (philosophical)

The Yogas of Aquarius:

  • Vipassana (insight)
  • The scientific method
  • Willingness to be yourself

Now, at the Turning of thee Ages, in the evolution of the mystery schools, the emergent task of Aquarius is to courageously keep expanding the vision of possibilities, always with the highest and the most expanded consciousness.  It’s the responsibility of Aquarius to come up with the innovations and to see the ways that others do not see.  Additionally, the mission of Aquarius is to always stand for uniqueness and individuality, always questioning conformity to the herd, and to the tyranny of consensus reality.

Pisces (Ananda)

Pisces is an “in service to spirit” Mystery School, traditionally referred to as a “negative” and “feminine” pathway, for Shamanic Astrology it falls into the path of involution by way of water (feeling function).   Its project is to relieve suffering, by feeling into where sorrow, grief, suffering, and unhappiness in the planet resides, and then responding with a dedicated commitment to be in service, with compassion.  Pisces dharma includes many ways of using ecstatic and altered states to assist in the healing.

Historically, Pisces has been associated with healers, world servers, and saviors.  In most cases, the lifestyles were more of the renunciate type, not secular or worldly.  Many holy and religious orders embraced the goals of this mystery school.  An additional element of Pisces dharma, has been the longing for ecstatic and mystical union, through many varieties of altered states, from music and dance, to sexual healing, to plant medicine.  The goal was always about healing of others and self, through rapturous and compassionate healing medicine.

Psychologically, the Pisces dharma strongly emphasizes merging, and the capacity to experience rapport, to experience directly what another is feeling.

Spiritually, Pisces dharma is about mystical union with the heart of the universe, the unconditional love of great mystery.   Pisces as a spiritual path includes the abnegation of the self, and actions performed in the world are the literalization of the experience that service is its own reward.

Spiritual essences of {Pisces include:

  • Compassion
  • Empathy
  • Sacrifice
  • Surrender
  • Sorrow (grief)

The yogas of Pisces include:

  • Bakhti yoga
  • Diksha
  • Volunteerism
  • Devotion
  • Ecstatic ceremony

Now, at the Turning of the Ages, in the evolution of the mystery schools, the emergent task of Pisces is to create ways of helping and healing others without martyrdom and victimhood.   Pisces dharma is also about developing ways of experiencing ecstatic states without addiction and the loss of the capacity to function in the world with a strong, healthy egoic structure.














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