Founder’s Corner

 All the latest writings and research from TOTAMS founder, Daniel Giamario

Daniel has been a professional astrologer since the 1970’s, during which time he has written numerous articles and has been published in many of the leading astrological journals. His writings not only form the cornerstone of Turning of the Ages Mystery School Astrology, but have also had a profound impact on the astrological community as a whole. His research continues to explore and uncover the essence of astrology while seeking to answer the question: “Who are we, and what happened!”


 Daniel Giamario’s Recent Articles

 Daniel Giamario’s Classic Articles

Technosis – Part One

Technosis – Part One

Sept 27, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | The entirety of this exploration will be in two parts and titled TECHNOSIS: THE GLOBAL DIGITAL BRAIN and KALI...

Daniel Giamario Vlogcast Series

Click here for the full catalog of vlogcasts with written transcripts 

Daniel Giamario’s Recent Interviews

Daniel on Planet Waves FM radio show with Erik F. Coppolino

Further Adventures of Shamanic Astrology Videos