Founder’s Latest

Callanish and The Lunar Standstill 2024

by Daniel Giamario | July 2, 2024 |   The TOTAMS 2024 Annual Gathering   From June 19-26, 28 members of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School gathered at the Doune Braes Hotel in Callanish on the Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, plus another nearby...

Saturn and The 19th Degree in The Spotlight

by Daniel Giamario | June 9, 2024 |     Significant Saturn Happenings   With much attention having been placed on the Venus-Sun exterior conjunction this past Tuesday at 14Gemini29, we may have been neglecting what has been happening with Saturn. On...

Of Lunar Standstills, Solar Eclipses and Plasma

Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations of Daniel Giamario |  June 3, 2024 |     The Experience of Total Solar Eclipses   Last April, a group of 22 of us gathered in Ohio to witness a Total Eclipse of the Sun. We were also there for an in-person certification...

Planetary Update

by Daniel Giamario | June 2, 2024 |     Firstly, I want to address the media-hyped “rare planetary lineup” this week. Having the major planets within a 90degree zone is not so rare. I have countless horoscopes of clients with all the major planets, and even...

Mars and Gemini

May 26, 2024 | by Daniel Giamario | With the Sun’s ingress into Gemini on May 20, Venus having moved into Gemini on May 23, Jupiter on May 25, Mercury following on June 2, and the Gemini New Moon on June 6, emphasizing Gemini would seem an obvious choice to focus on....

The Taurean Underworld Intensifies, But Do Not Ignore Mars!

May 19, 2024 | by Daniel Giamario | Last week I wrote about the powerful gathering of Uranus, Jupiter and Venus in the celestial Underworld, on the other side of the Sun. This scenario reaches its crescendo this weekend! Sunday, May 19, features the exact Sun-Jupiter...

Amplification of The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction

May 12, 2024 | by Daniel Giamario |   Starting this week, a major Solar Storm is in progress as well as another extreme Out-of-Bounds Moon occurring May 9-13. The Moon entered Cancer, which is the Galactic Edge, Friday, May 10 at 8:13pm PDT. Soon thereafter, the...

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