2021 Schedule of Events


  1. Monthly Vlogcasts with Daniel Giamario at the Full Moon…with various guests from SAMS
  2. Monthly calls at the New Moon for SAMS members, usually with Daniel, Mary Kern, and Erik Roth.
  3. Quadrant Zoom calls for members at the Cross Quarters, with the Founders.  Next call is the Air Quadrant on January 31, 2021 at 5:00pm PST.
  4. Special presentations for everyone at the times of the Equinoxes and Solstices.  There will be one at this coming March Equinox with Daniel and Cayelin with a deeper dive into the Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius “Great Mutation”; as well as the Age of Aquarius deception.

Traditionally, SAMS does a free presentation at the June Solstice, and a fundraiser at the December Solstice.

  1. Regular Mentoring Zoom classes with Daniel Giamario, for everyone, at the First Quarter Moon times, each month, starting in February, at first quarter Moon.  This first one will likely happen February 18th.  Stay tuned for details.  These zoom classes will alternate between chart analysis mentoring and specific topics for inquiry.  The February class will be on the challenges presented by Saturn and/or Pluto to a man’s Venus or a woman’s Mars, either nataly or by transit.


Over the course of the year, SAMS will present special events, special zoom classes and teleclasses.

So far, one is scheduled: A Mars Synodic Cycle seminar with Daniel Giamario and Erik Roth coming up on January 19th at 5:00pm PST.  Information on this is in the current newsletter.  

Others coming up will include classes on the Mars/Venus Sagas.  Also more on the Nodal Cycles and Eclipse Cycles of 2021.

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