January 12 New Moon to Feb 11 New Moon 2021
The Main Highlights of the January New Moon Members Call with Daniel Giamario and Mary Kern.
**You can download these highlights in PDF format here.
Jan 12, Tues: (out of bounds moon—beyond 23.5 degrees)
New Moon conj Pluto (24 Cp 35) at 11:22p First New Moon of the New Year.
Mercury (06 Aqu 43) squares Uranus (06 Ta 43 R) 6:59a
Venus (05 Cp 18) squares Chiron (05 Ar 18) 1:03p
Jan 13, Wed: (out of bounds moon—24 degrees)
Mars (03 Ta) squares Saturn (03 Aq) 3:01a
Moon moves into Aquarius 8:43 a
to dance with our change agents:
Moon conj Saturn 2:11p (03 Aq 07)
Moon (03 Aq 18) squares Mars (03 Ta 18) 2:29p
Moon conj Jupiter (04 Aq 49) 6:54p
Moon (06 Aq 03) squares Uranus R (06 Ta 03S) 8:29p
Jan 14, Thurs:
Uranus (06 Ta 43) Stations Direct 12:35a ALL PLANETS DIRECT for 16 days until 1-30.
Mercury SD 2- 20 begins another 66 Days of All Planets Direct to 4-27 when Pluto SR)
Moon conj Mercury (09 Aqu 33) 1:28a
Sun conj Pluto (24 Cp) 6:18a Pluto on the other side of the Sun is in the celestial underworld—
Jan 17, Sun:
Moon conj Neptune (18 Ps 50) 1:34a
Jupiter ( 06 Aq) squares Uranus (06 Ta) 2:29p Only time in 2021
(Saturn will follow and sq Uranus on 2-17) First of three in 2021
Jan 18, Mon:
Moon conj Chiron (05 AR 27) 9:49A
Jan 19, Tues:
Sun enters Aquarius 12:39p
Venus conj Uranus (14 Cp 05) is opposing Sirius (14 Cn)
Mars (06 Tau 44) conj Uranus 12:37a
Mercury (Aq 29R) 7:52am will go D on 2/20 at 11 Aq)
Jan 21, Thurs:
Moon is Apogee or furthest from the Earth 5:11am
Jan 22/23, Fri:
Mars (07 Ta 59) sq Jup (07 Aq 59) 11:48p
Mercury at greatest evening elongation. 18.6 degrees E. 6pm
Jan 23, Sat:
Sun conj Saturn (04 Aq 20D) at 7:01p
Jan 24, Sun:
Moon conj North Node (19 Ge 08) 1:47pm
Jan 25, Mon:
Mercury reaches highest point in the evening sky
Jan 26, Tue:
Sun (06 Aq 47) Sqr Uranus (06 Ta 47) 4:48a
Near the star Hamal in the forehead, 3rd eye, of the Ram
Nept (19 Pi) squ Nodes (19 Ge 06 R)
Jan 28, Thurs:
LEO Wolf Full Moon (09 Leo 06) 11:16a pst
The first full moon of the year is known as the Full Wolf Moon.
January is the breeding season of the wolf so wolves naturally howl louder and more frequently at this time to warn other wolves to stay clear of their territory. They raise their heads to howl so their sound can travel up to 6-10 miles to find their mate and pack members.
The Moon with the wolf symbol for January presents our own opportunity to reaffirm our connections and strengthen our bonds with others as we take on new challenges collectively in the upcoming months, whilst simultaneously recognizing the integrity of “lone wolves”.
The Gaelic word for January, Faoilleach, comes from their word for wolves. They believe the wolf has lunar power—an ability to sniff out hidden insights and detect unexpected sources of danger.
The Saxon word for January is Wulf-monath, or Wolf Month.
In January the Japanese celebrate the festival of the Japanese wolf god, Ooguchi Magami.
The Seneca tribe links the wolf to the moon believing that a wolf gave birth to the moon by singing it into the sky.
The Sioux tribe called January’s Full moon the “Moon Where Wolves Run Together”.
In a different set of traditions, 4000-5000 years ago, the Full Moon closest to the cross-quarter of Imbolc, was the ancient Brigit festival, when the Full Moon, at this time of year in that era, was conjunct with Spica. This was the celebration of the Sophiac and Solar feminine, and the antipode of the time in August when Spica was conjunct the Sun in the underworld.
Venus Conj Pluto (25 Cp 06) @ 8:18a
Sun conj Jupiter (9 Aq 22)5:39a
Mercury at Perihelion, closest to the sun
Jan 30,Sat: Merc S R (26 Aq 29R) 7:52a.
Ends All Planets Direct
Feb 1. Mon: Sun (12 Aq 47)sq Mars (12 Ta 47) 2:33a known as quadrature.
Venus enters Aquarius 6:05a
Feb.3. Wed: The exact Cross-Quarter of Imbolc or Candlemass: Half way between the
December Solstice and March Equinox
Feb 5, Fri: Venus conjuncts Saturn (05 Aq 53) 10:48p
Feb 6, Sat: Venus (07 Aq) Squares Uranus (07 Ta) 7:33p
Feb 8, Mon: R Mercury conj Sun 5:47a (20 Aq 01) on the inside track between Earth and Sun; deep alchemical change from Libra overtone to Aquarius in the Mercury synod.
Feb 10, Wed:R Mercury (17 Aq 43) sq Mars (17 Ta 43) 4:15a
Moon conj Saturn (06 Aq 230 4:41a)
Moon (07 Aq 02) Squ Uranus 5:51a (07 Ta 02)
Moon conj Venus (11 Aq). 2:10p
In Shamanic Astrology Venus conjunct the Moon each month tells the mythic Sumerian story of Inanna, the queen of heaven (aka Venus), surrendering her power and attachments by going into the underworld, a journey of Shamanic death and rebirth. This Feb conjunction is at the rare 8th gate of descent or Death by intent. Learn more about this magical journey with Cayelin and Tami Brunk, and other Shamanic Astrologers.
Jupiter and Saturn will be really close to Venus and the Moon, in the morning sky, as they prepare to descend into the celestial underworld.
Moon conj Jupiter (12 Aq 25) 3:28p near Armus the Heart of the Goatfish
(13 Aq)
Moon conj R Mercury (16 Aq 48) 11:22p
Feb 11, Thurs:
New Moon in Aquarius (23 Aq 17) 10:05a
Venus conj Jupiter (12 Aq 34) 6:59a
This is also Chinese New Year (as recognized in the modern era), as the first new Moon after the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius. 2021 is the year of Metal, the Ox.