The Aquarius Full Moon of 2021 will soon be upon us. The exact Full Moon is 7:37PM PDT on this coming Friday evening, at 1Aquarius26. The Moon will look full from Thursday evening through Saturday evening. The Aquarius Full Moon can, in fact, occur anytime from July 22-August 22 each year. This year, we actually get two of them, as the Moon is full also on Sunday August 22nd at 5:02AM PDT at 29Aquarius37. This is often, mistakenly, called a “Blue Moon”. This situation is rather rare, occurring most recently in 1983, 2002, 2013, and now. The next time this happens is 2032. But why “Vision Quest” Full Moon?
The Aquarius Full Moon has acquired a pretty special significance since I received my visions in the early 1980’s and has been a part of the lore and traditions of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School™ ever since. After a vision quest death and rebirth experience on Mount Shasta that happened to me in 1981, I became caught up in the Mount Shasta mythos. Each year from 1981, continuing on to 1989, I took groups to the mountain for sacred ceremony, and to apply more and more of the insights and transmissions received there, that have become the evolving Shamanic Astrology Paradigm ™, and that have inspired the vision for our school. I often went there over the next 15 years doing solo retreats. Many groups and many individuals were spending time camping on the mountain during those years, and I learned quite a lot. One thing that I learned from the local Shasta tradition was that the Aquarius Full Moon was the “Vision Quest Moon”, so I always scheduled my groups and my solo times on Shasta around the time of the Aquarian Full Moon. At that time the workshops that I conducted were called: “The Astrological Vision Quest”.
Whether you are able to go to Mount Shasta or not, the days upcoming around these Full Moons are so very much the perfect time for your visioning, either solo or with a group. I very much recommend that you prioritize this in your life, as best you can. Take the time, as it’s even more important in these accelerated times of change and uncertainty. Certainly, the most important thing you can do is be open to get guidance, as to discovering and clarifying your life purpose intentions, and your “place on the wheel”. Depending on your personal cycles, you can get downloads from “spirit”, as if your future self is reaching back to get your attention. Failing that, at the very least you can get clear guidance as to what to let go of, and to stop doing: to create space.
Remember to utilize the essence of Aquarius for this. This can include contacting your highest objective witness, the high witness, or the “I” behind your ordinary “I.” This is sometimes called the Atman within the Brahman. From a shamanic perspective, this would be the “eagle” of your consciousness, being able to see the very widest view, and with freedom and a non-judgmental perspective. You can add to that, the transmission of the resonantly energetic polarity of the Leo Sun. This can mean committing to your sovereign and autonomous self, with the uniquely Aquarian contribution of truly being yourself, or as it has been said: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken!”
Aiding your “quest” will be the continuing presence of Venus and Mars in Leo, still within 10degrees of each other in the evening sky. Also you can possibly notice that Mercury has now separated more than 15degrees from the sun, and is now in the morning sky in its Hermetic evening star phase in the sign of Cancer. Meanwhile Jupiter and Saturn dominate the whole of the night sky as they approach their oppositions to the Sun, bright, and guiding our way. I truly hope that you can take advantage of this opportunity. And since there are two Aquarius Full Moons this year, you can imagine two bookends of an entire month-long “vision quest” portal that can be seen as a larger context. If you miss this coming Full Moon for your ceremony, you will have another chance next month!
~by Daniel Giamario