By Daniel Giamario
In May, there will be quite a large energetic shift to the astrological Mystery School of Aries. Later this month, both Jupiter (May 10th), and Mars (May 24th), will ingress Aries. Their conjunction in the morning sky happens May 29th. We will have lots more to say about this over the next weeks. Leading the way is the entrance of Venus into Aries Monday, May 2nd at 9:10AM PDT. Saturn, Mars, Venus and Jupiter will continue to dominate the morning sky all month.
Also on May 2nd, at 8:05AM PDT, it may be possible to see a really slim crescent Moon with Mercury at 2Gemini10, in the evening sky just after sunset, 20degrees clear of the Sun. This pair is conjunct the Pleiades. Quite remarkable is that on May 29th, the Moon will again conjoin Mercury in the morning sky, just then rising from the interior Underworld, joining the other four visible planets. From that time onwards, for at least until July 3rd, all five are together in the morning sky. I am unsure when writing this when the last time this happened, but it’s not very often. This is a bonanza for those of us that like to commune with them easily with the naked eye.
Another feature of these coming days, and amplifying the Solar Eclipse seed point, is the yearly conjunction of the Sun with Uranus. This happens at 12:22AM PDT the morning of May 5th at 14Taurus47. This also directs our attention to the final Saturn square Uranus alignment coming up in September/October.
Not to be forgotten is that we are in the middle of the Beltane/May Day cross-quarter season. Exact astronomical Beltane is May 4/5 when the Sun is exactly 15degrees Taurus, midway between the March Equinox and the June Solstice. A full discussion of Beltane is beyond the scope of this post. However, how I see it, it’s an organic, in the body, time to celebrate the fecundity of the Earth, and the renewal of all that lives and grows. It’s also a time for honoring the creation with fire. Synchronistically, I just heard that the Festival of Fire at the sacred hill of Uisneach in central Ireland is happening again this year. I had the opportunity to go in 2012, and had a wonderful experience. The ancient tradition had been revived in 2009, and after a two year hiatus is on again, May 7th. What ancient way of celebration can you participate in to aid in the renewal of the Earth; and help reanimate ways of recreating Prime Earth?