by Susan DeRyder | Oct 29, 2024 |
This New Moon is seeded at 9°35″ Scorpioon Friday morning, November 1, at 5:47am PT / 8:47am ET. The Scorpio New Moon this year lands in close proximity to Dia De Los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) on November 1 and 2, as well as Samhain and Halloween on October 31 into November 1. Meanwhile, astrological Samhain takes place when the Sun is 15 degrees into Scorpio, this year landing on November 6. Astrologically, 15 Scorpio marks the half-way point between Summer and Winter. This time of transformation translates directly to why every culture around the world has a way of celebrating and honoring the dead around this time of year.
All of this said, we are entering into a sacred portal for remembering our ancestors and celebrating death on all levels as a natural phase of life’s long continuum.
Exploring The New Moon Chart
When exploring a New Moon chart we have a choice: We can translate or interpret what we see in order to ‘predict’ what may lie ahead. We can also recognize an opportunity to harness the energy within the aspects at play, plant seeds of hope, offer a prayer. The chart for this New Moon has been inspirational for me to work from the perspective of the latter. May we work intentionally with the energies available to us so that we no longer feel ‘at the effect of …’ and rather ‘work in collaboration with …’ especially as we navigate the unknown waters of the coming weeks and months ahead.
Puto opposite Mars
The Pluto-Mars opposition has been building in strength since mid-October. Come November 1 it is within minutes of exactness! Traditionally Mars is seen as a planet of war and aggression. In the TOTAMS Paradigm, however, Mars represents the masculine principle which indeed exists in each of us. Does Mars have to equal war?
I offer this here as an alternative storyline when speaking of Mars in opposition to Pluto which in (too) many places is being described as nothing other than more war. In a time when having hope, faith and ushering in a new expression of the masculine is needed the most, let us refer to Mars, the Masculine, as Sacred. The Sacred Masculine ~ that part of us all that has the capacity to uphold, protect and provide. When we introduce the initiatory energy of Pluto we know that some kind of transformation has to occur. For Mars to go through this transformation, surrender is essential. A Pluto initiation includes empowerment and that empowerment must be preceded by powerlessness. Pluto, now in the final minutes of Capricorn, is literally attempting to squeeze out the final dregs of patriarchy. Consider, that there is a part of us that expresses the masculine in a way that has been overpowered and controlled for so long, it has forgotten its essence. May we then embrace this opportunity to truly allow our inner masculine to walk through the fire of this initiation. For the old paradigm version of the masculine to be composted. For the highest expression of its essence to be remembered.
The Mythic Masculine
In her interview on ‘The Mythic Masculine’ podcast, Pat McCabe speaks to the deep prayer she holds for men to connect once again as functional members of the Hoop of Life.
She says…
“I see the men as being the architects of (our) dreams and visions… the men carry a sacred fire that ensures that life is going to move forward. They are sacred fire tenders as well. So now we have sacred architects and sacred fire tenders… the men are the banks of the river and I’m the river. There’s a holding, not a damming, not as suppressing, but a holding. And protecting and providing… that’s a really archetypical part of their spiritual nature.”
What if we held this vision, not just for men, but for for the Sacred Masculine that exists in us all, as we walk through these powerful times of transformation and change? We are being given the opportunity to completely reframe our understanding of what it means to yield the energy of the Sacred Masculine in it’s highest expression. For more on this theme, check out the recent TOTAMS Highlight Seminar Men’s Challenges at The Turning of The Ages!
Uranus Opposite Mercury
The Uranus Mercury opposition is exact a couple of days before this moon and yet the resonance is still a strong part of this New Moon chart. Uranus (the bringer of change) in Taurus, will be opposing Mercury (the way we think), in Scorpio. The waters of Scorpio are deep and so another opportunity for change is presented here. May we be carried down into the depths of our deepest feelings and emotions and may we surrender to receive the insights available to us down there if we only allow ourselves to see. Knowing that the essence of Uranus can be somewhat unpredictable and surprising may be helpful at this time. If we are presented with a situation that seems completely unexpected, may we allow ourselves to lean in. While Uranus can be uncomfortable, rest assured the intentions are for greater alignment with the highest good. As Silvianne suggested in her recent lunation synopsis: This is the perfect time to ‘get out of your head’. Trying to control and maintain a linear trajectory could be pushing against the natural flow of things, particularly in the darker days of this moon.
What I have spoken of so far is amplified and supported by the presence of a harmonious water trine of Neptune to both Mars and Mercury. It is interesting to me to ponder that the last New Moon also showcased a beautiful and helpful water trine which perhaps opened the door for us to some important conversations. One Moon-th later we find a water trine again to shine it’s light through another powerfully transformative lunar cycle. This time, Neptune may hold the key to opening our hearts to empathy and compassion as we all navigate these deeper layers of the psyche. Neptune, the bringer of new visions and dreams, can escort us outside of time and logic so that we may experience our reality from a new perspective. So many of us are praying for change here on Earth, for us to live together in peace and reciprocity, honoring and protecting our beloved Mother Earth. The change, as we all know in theory, begins within. Here is a blessed celestial moment to be reminded that it is possible to create the change from deep within the waters of each of our Souls.
Saturn Square Venus
Venus in Sagittarius and on her journey through the Leo Overstory is now three days from entering her 4th Gate, the Heart Chakra. In this New Moon chart, she will be just a few degrees beyond a square to Saturn in Pisces. This square is offering us an opportunity for the Leo Goddess to utilize a time that could feel intensely serious, as a space to deepen her commitment to her own evolution into profound radiant self love and then being that inspiration for all. A Saturn square can feel like serious schooling as we are asked to sit down and to look at what has been in the way of this authentic self love. We could find it shows up more obviously than before, in our day to day life, so that we may find ways to practically deconstruct anything and all that is in the way. For me, this square comes in the perfect moment right before she enters the 4th Gate. Indeed, it is time for all of us to unleash that self loving, self accepting, radiant and inspiring Leo Goddess!
Without a doubt this New Moon offers opportunity for profound transformation and prayer. Being in a loving ceremonial space during this portal is one of the best ways for us all to say thank you to our ancestors, unite our hearts and continue to dream the new world into being.