Mars Direct and All The Rest!

by Daniel Giamario | Feb 23, 2025 |



Three topics are capturing my attention this week:

  • Mars direct
  • All planets direct
  • and another extreme Out-of Bounds Moon to punctuate the situation.


Mars Direct


Today, Sunday, at 6:00PM PST, Mars is stationary direct at 17Cancer01. This is a significant turning point in Phase One of the newly born Mars synodic Overstory of Cancer that began on January 15 of this year. The Turning of the Ages Mystery School calls this the Birth and Emergence Phase. An innovation of TOTAMS is to connect the 25-month Mars cycle to an archetypal human lifespan. This Birth and Emergence Phase phase spans from the first breath of the Mars child to his completion of schooling. For this synod, that date is April 8 when Mars returns to 26Cancer12, the degree of his first breath.

Each Moon-Mars conjunction within this phase symbolizes a level of education.

  • February 9: 18cancer19Rx Primary and Middle schooling

  • March 8: 17Cancer20 High School and College

  • April 5: 25Cancer14 Post-graduate training.

Stationary direct on February 23 would symbolize having reached puberty.


This phase of the 25-month Cancer Mars Overstory, for both men and women, is intended to educate this version of archetypal masculine to develop the qualities of giving and providing personal and responsible nourishment to friends, animals and all living beings. It is far from an alpha male dominator archetype. The strength developed is for support, providing safety and security, and genuine caring born from the feeling function. The great hope is that this education will not be a repetition of the patriarchal Cancerian shadow characteristics of clannishness and provincialism, so often seen in the context of the United States Chart.

Phase Zero, the pre-natal phase, and this phase, traverse the four Cancer placements on the United States chart:

  • Venus: 3Cancer06

  • Jupiter: 5Cancer56

  • Sun: 13Cancer19

  • Mercury: 24Cancer19Rx

How well this education ensues, and the direction it takes, will go a long way in creating the context for the Jupiter ingress into Cancer in June, when throughout the following year, Jupiter will amplify those very same planetary positions.

You can learn more about the synodic Overstories of Venus and Mars in our ongoing 19-month group experiences. A new one begins March 28 with the helical rise of Venus in Pisces.

Also of note is that the entire timeframe of this Phase One Birth and Emergence has Mars Out-of-Bounds, right up to April 8! I suggest that this offers an extraordinary opportunity for this Cancerian education to be global and visionary, and outside the boundaries of ordinary, more traditional Cancer. This is not to say that the OOB condition is either good or bad. It could also be an extreme beyond-the-normal-boundaries of the most reactionary traditional. Or maybe a little of both. We shall see soon enough…


All Planets Direct


The direct motion of Mars also begins a rare 6-day timeframe where all planets are in direct motion. This concludes with Venus stationary retrograde on March 1. In TOTAMS, not only are retrogrades neither good nor bad, but the same goes for phases when all planets move direct. We are still gathering data on this relatively rare and less known phenomenon. Your feedback is welcome!


Out-of-Bounds Moon


Also on Sunday, February 23, the Capricorn Moon is at its most extreme out-of-boundness of 28South40 declination. The Moon will be OOB until Tuesday. Remember, we are still at the height of the Lunar Standstill season – expect the unexpected!


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