by Susan DeRyder | Feb 25, 2025 |
The Pisces New Moon is exact at 7:45pm ET on Thursday February 27 2025. This New Moon leads us into Eclipse season which begins March 14 with a Total Lunar Eclipse. It seems March 2025 is bound to be eventful, with an Eclipse either side of the Aries Equinox and the end of the Kali Yuga!
This New Moon has a remarkable Piscean line up:
- Sun and Moon (09°40”)
- Saturn (20°34”)
- Mercury (24°40”)
- the North Node of the moon (27°24”)
- and Neptune (28°51”).
Pisces teaches us empathy, compassion and love for all beings. The higher teachings of Pisces walk us toward the knowing that we are all interconnected, interwoven beings of life, that we are all one, we come from one and will return to that elixir. As with all of the waters of this world, every river, rivulet, ocean and sea. From every tear that rolls down our cheeks in joy and in sorrow, to the blood coursing through our veins, to the waters that rocked us in the womb before our birth. This truth is not something we can read about to understand, it comes from feeling. How we get to this point depends entirely on each of us as individuals and to what extent we may have closed down our hearts. Once the heart opens, it is impossible not to see it.
What then, does a line up of 6 planets and points in this sign look like for us globally?
The North Node of the moon is much like a great big arrow communicating to us all, “look here”! The Nodal axis will be pointing this way through July 2026. If you weren’t sure where to direct your attention, here’s a big hint. This New Moon highlights and reminds us of this intent as the North Node begins it’s journey through Pisces.
Meanwhile Mercury, currently in the Sagittarius overstory, is close by at 24°40”. Mercury represents the mind, cognition, our way of thinking and communicating. Now in Pisces, we might find the Sagittarian arrow of truth is directed away from the head, from logic and rationalizing, to the heart.
Saturn has been in Pisces since March 2023 and will be there through May 2025. This New Moon, Saturn will be at 20°34”. How could a planet that teaches growth through limit and restriction show up in boundless and limitlessly loving Pisces? As this planet moves through the final degrees of Pisces over the next few months we may find that as the intensity increases there is nothing left to do other than to open our hearts.
Neptune now at 28°51” is soon to leave the sign of Pisces on March 30. This planet that has the strongest resonance with the sign has been here since April 2011. Many have spoken of this time as having huge potential for mass spiritual awakening. Indeed, this is a fair translation and yet the need for willingness, faith and participation is also there. Without these key ingredients we may instead find ourselves rocked in the infinite waters of confusion and delusion.
There is a magic that happens when we begin to weave together the deeper invitation of each of these planetary placements. There is opportunity here for us all to be in collaboration with these energies. This is the difference between astrological predictions and working with what is being offered to us from these great celestial teachers. Look for the opportunity, the open doors, the flow of energy.
Venus and Mars
Venus and Mars are also intricately woven into this New Moon Point. Mars represents the Sacred Masculine that exists in all of us. He began a new overstory in the sign of Cancer January 15 this year and just went direct on February 23. This is the very beginning stage of his journey which TOTAMS refers to as the ‘Birth and Emergence Phase’. This New Moon is in a flowing and harmonious trine to Mars as he is simultaneously squared by Chiron. While the fracture points and wounding to the Sacred Masculine may be more obvious at this time, this powerful Pisces line-up may be just exactly what we need so that a safe space may be created for this vulnerable, tender emerging Cancerian version of the inner god.
Venus, the Sacred Feminine that exists in all of us, is now at 10°45“ Aries and approaching her final gate in the Leo overstory which began back in August of 2023. This rare 8th gate, named ‘Awareness By Intent’ occurs on March 1, the same day she will go retrograde. This is the beginning of the closing chapter of a deep initiatory cycle that reflects the ancient journey of Inanna into the underworld. Venus’ new overstory will begin March 29 2025 in the sign of Pisces at 28°52”, just 1 minute from Neptune’s placement on this New Moon at 28°51”. Is this some kind of bridging connection between this moon, Venus’ 8th gate, at her coming overstory in Pisces? It is difficult not to think so. The invitation here is to deepen our trust and faith in the sacred feminine. Honoring the journey she has been on these past 1.5 years and how, in this moment of maturation, she might show up in the highest expression of her Leo overstory ~ leading, inspiring and radiating from a place of deep self love. From this place can she begin to circulate that self love in a way that in turn brings more peace and healing to the world?
Navigate Back to Center
Which brings us back to Pisces … In order for us to begin to share that boundless, unconditional love with other beings, we must begin with ourselves. To speak of seeing the light in all beings everywhere means we have seen it in ourselves. This New Moon is an opportunity for that. Slow down, create space to sit quietly with yourself. Navigate back to your center and to your sovereignty, which is your birthright. Do not rush this, you must feel it fully and completely. Let the awareness of your wholeness reach every cell in your body. From here you may begin to send a clear message of unconditional love, compassion and acceptance to yourself. Once this begins to flow, keep it flowing, until it begins to overflow. Only then, once we have reached the point of overflowing, can we genuinely, authentically, and without negating our own energy, begin to offer that same level of unconditional love to others.
And now onward we go into Eclipse season and the end of Kali Yuga!