by Daniel Giamario | Feb 2, 2025 |
Some remarkable planetary configurations have inspired me to broach a much-needed subject:
The effect of AI (“artificial intelligence”- an oxymoron if there ever was one!) on real, human-based astrology.
Here are the events:
Saturday, February 1
- Venus conjunct Neptune at 27Pisces59
- Venus conjunct North Node at 28Pisces09
- Moon conjunct Neptune at 27Pisces59
- Moon conjunct North Node at 28Pisces09
- Moon Conjunct Venus at 28Pisces10 (2:06PM PST)
This can be imagined as a wide-open door to the Celestial World, Divine Mercy and Grace, and an availability of an abundance of the trans-personal Love (Ananda) now available to global humanity. OR, it can also express as utter confusion and deception.
Tuesday, February 3
Jupiter stations direct at 11Gemini16. This can be imagined as the higher wave of the current transit of Jupiter through Gemini – either a further amplification of duopoly and bifurcation, or an inherent capacity to go beyond duality, in a sort of crazy wisdom.
Also, Mars at 19Cancer35Rx squares Chiron at 19Aries35, presaging the 5th exact Chiron Return of the US chart on February 18. Could this be the strange reintroduction into the United States narrative of “Manifest Destiny” and Imperialism?
Meanwhile Mercury, Pluto, and Ceres remain on the other side of the Sun in the exterior Underworld, with the recent exact conjunctions of Mercury and Pluto with the Sun. One wonders what Galactic transmissions from Great Mystery Mercury, in the psychopomp phase of the Sagittarius Overstory, may be receiving … They may include warnings about the shadow of Aquarius (technocratic collectivism), as well as warnings of Earth Mother Gaia, crying out that she and her children are being raped and her lands and oceans exploited and dying.
The Main Topic
At last, we reach the most important topic of our times, and the leading edge of 2025, which is AI and transhumanism – the attempt to merge humans with machines. This has profound repercussions for the practice of astrology, that is human astrology. Hundreds of apps have emerged to provide the interested masses with cheap and concise astrology. I myself even provided literally thousands of hours to the development of, perhaps, the best astrology app of all, The Pattern, whose foundation is the very astrological paradigm that I sourced. I truly hope that I have not contributed to a coming obsolescence or even extinction of real astrology!
I have always felt that astrology, to be sacred art, must be person to person, soul to soul, heart to heart. Even the best app or AI-derived algorithm can never replace the magical divinatory essence of the personal soul-to-soul encounter within the context of openness to Spirit. The AI-based version will remain a facsimile or simulacrum of the real thing, and quite often not be in alignment with Spirit.
The Turning of the Ages Mystery School will always remain connected to the human heart and soul of astrology. Our school has a policy that avoids artificial intelligence as anything more than an enhanced research tool. We advocate for a deep knowledge and experience of people, the land, and most importantly, a direct experience with the sky, so as to be open to receive intuition and spiritual intelligence. This then comes alive person to person and heart to heart when you and another are truly open. Our school is fully committed to our aboriginal, organic human nature. While we are aware that the rise of AI, technocracy, and transhumanism being the expected and inevitable deepest descent into materialism that happens at the tail-end of Kali Yuga.
Tune in!
Having said this, with the current aspects and the beautiful parade of planets in the evening sky, there is no better time to tune in directly to the transmissions offered at this time!
On Sunday, February 2 at 5:00pm PST, TOTAMS and I will be offering the free and open to all who are interested Esoteric Air Branch Fireside chat. The main subject: the true value and purpose of astrology and of divination in these times. We invite you to join!