Anything Can Happen!

by Daniel Giamario | Oct 6, 2024 |



Moon Conjuncts Venus at The Third Chakra Portal


On Saturday October 5 at 11:28AM PDT, the Moon aligned with Venus at 15Scorpio24. This is quite an appropriate sign and star placement for this solar plexus initiation! Venus and the Moon were seen just below the ecliptic star, ZubenElgenubi which represents the Southern Scale of the Libra constellation. This star has mythically been seen as the “scale of the insufficient price”, measuring the price of deficiency. This part of the sky connects to the ancient Egyptian story of weighing the heart and a feather on the scales. This could be quite relevant to personal and world affairs, in that both passed below the scales and were not even weighed! Meanwhile 15Scorpio is also the exact cross-quarter degree presaging the Solar Samhain on United States election day. What a start for what follows!


Moon Out-of-Bounds October 6-12


Just before entering Sagittarius at 4:34PM on Sunday October 6, the Moon starts an extremely important out-of-bounds timeframe. When the Moon is in early Capricorn on October 9, it will be at a maximum of 28S41 declination, more than five degrees from the ecliptic. Happening only every 19 years and being exact in January with the North Node at 0Aries, the Lunar Standstill season peaks in July of 2025. As variously written about before, the OOB Moon takes “normal” meanings and intentions into extremes of unassimalability. This includes the eccentric, the innovative and the unpredictable, relative to the Moon sign and aspects.


Moon Conjunct Antares in The Scorpion


Around 1:00PM on Sunday, October 7, an evening waxing Moon is near the royal star Antares, the guide to the Golden Gate, Galactic Center, a strong celestial omen for the events of the week; the Moon already now, out-of-bounds.

While wildly out-of-bounds, the Moon opposes Jupiter on Tuesday, October 8, 10:10AM, at 21Sagittarius20 with Jupiter just becoming stationary at 21Gemini20. Early on Wednesday morning at 12:05AM, Jupiter turns retrograde at 21Gemini20. I have been anticipating this Jupiter station for quite a while. As I have frequently shared, this is almost exact the natal Mars (square Neptune) on the United States birth chart. See my recent Update on the United States Chart vlog. The Moon can still be seen near Antares, and Jupiter near Aldebaran.


The Relevance to World Affairs


For those of us following the powerful world events, take notice of this:

  • Iran’s ASC is 7Sagittarius59 and Neptune 20Sagittarius28Rx
  • Lebanon’s IC is 7Sagittarius34 and Mars 17Grmini53Rx
  • Israel’s Jupiter is 27Sagittarius38RX and Mercury 10Gemini21
  • Benjamin Netanyahu’s ASC is 9Sagittarius56, his Venus 12Sagittarius23, and Chiron 9Sagittarius23
  • The United States has the ASC at 12Sagittarius 58 and Mars at 21Gemini22

I plan to cover all this in depth in my next New Moon Video Blog.


A Comet


Meanwhile a bright comet has been dazzling in the morning sky. After October 9 it may be even brighter in the evening sky.

Quite honestly, anything can happen over this next week. Be prepared, do your best to be open to all sources of information, not solely relying on main-stream media. Let us pray for least possible suffering for those in Lebanon and Gaza, as well as for our brothers and sisters in the wake of Hurricane Helene. And may we maintain as much as possible a neutral perspective while at the same time recognizing our emotional attachments and preferences.

Question everything and come to your own conclusions in accordance with your spiritual intuition.


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