April Fools’ Day

April 1, 2024 | by Daniel Giamario |


Mercury Stations Retrograde


At 3:14pm PDT on April Fools’ Day, Mercury stations retrograde at 27Aries12. The planet will remain in Aries for 66 days (March 9 – May 15) and conjunct the US Chiron at 20Aries08 three times, March 21, April 14, and May 5.

Mercury has been sinking in the evening sky and will soon descend into the Interior Underworld between the Earth and Sun. This is the phase of metamorphic transformation prior to the birth of a new synodic overstory which happens when Mercury stations direct on April 24/25 at 15Aries58, opposite the US natal Saturn!

Mercury has many guises and shapeshifting identities. I suggest that Mercury is now the fool, or better said, a jester. The jester is an elusive character. European words used to denote him seem as nebulous as they are numerous, reflecting the mercurial man behind them: fool, buffoon, clown, jongleur, jogleor, joculator, sot, stultor, scurra, fou, fol, truhan, mimus, histrio, morio.

In the Bible a fool is one who has rebelled against God. When we call someone a fool as a sign of hatred towards them, it is deemed sinful. But saying someone is being foolish because they’re rebelling against God when that is true, we’ve supposedly done them a favor. The word “fool” doesn’t signify a person who’s ignorant.

An indigenous term would be heyoka, from the Lakota, or a trickster. It refers to someone, in service to spirit, who is not required to follow the rules and regulations which even a chief would have to follow. It’s the Western court jester, who is empowered in telling the king the truth. In a healthy society, a leader has sanction to rule only if he can be ridiculed. So let’s be willing to ridicule the WEF and the so-called elite that believe they have the right to dictate to 8 billion people!


Extreme Capricorn Out-of-Bounds Moon


OOB Moons have some similarities to Mercury Retrograde. At 7:00am PDT on Monday, April 1, the 5Capricorn28 Moon is at an extreme Southern declination of 28S31 – yet another of the OOB Moons in the runup to the height of this Lunar Standstill season (June 2024 – June 2025). Learn more about the Lunar Standstill Season here: https://seedpeople.turningoftheages.com/courses/lunar-standstill-seminars

How appropriate then, that on April Fools’ Day the OOB is at its most extreme, denoting the much highlighted keywords eccentric, outlander, and unassimilable. Let that sink in, especially relative to the highly structured and responsible Capricorn Moon. Lampoon those who insist on being hierarchical or take themselves too seriously, including ourselves!


South Node on US Saturn


The July 4, 1776, United States Chart has Saturn at 14Libra48. The importance of the 5th US Chiron Return has tended to overshadow this important factor. From March 8 – June 5, 2024, the transiting South Node is within a degree of US Saturn. The exact date of the conjunction is May 22. This, significantly, needs to be understood in the context of the US Chiron Return, including the recent Moscow ‘terror attack’ (likely orchestrated by the US), the Baltimore bridge disaster, and the hundreds of thousands of people flooding across US borders. South Node alignments always are with reference to the past, warranting the question: Will the US receive the Chiron teachings this time?

Do note that this South Node alignment with the US Saturn includes within its time frame the April 8 Solar Eclipse. Be willing to tell the agents of authority the truth of their folly!

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