Shiva Faranpour

: Fully Certified in 2022

: Based in Garberville, California

Astrologer Bio

 Shiva is a forever curious soul who was born and raised in far eastern places, where mysteries of Earth and Sky have been revered for thousands of years before modern cultures lost their ancient knowledge and the ways of Nature.
She traveled in her late teenage years to the west, where the ancient seeds of knowledge were carried by the wind of destiny to the fertile ground of  West coast, California and the heart of Redwood forest; Where the seeds rooted and reawakened with the teachings of many great minds, and through her search and dedicated self studies in many lineages for over a decade.

 She has been studying directly with Daniel Giamario since 2018 and  has been serving as a Council member, event and course coordinator and an approved TOTAMS mentor ever since she received her full initiation, in first TOTAMS live graduation event in Arizona in 2022.  her work and understanding is also much inspired by the work of Dane Rudhyar, Caroline Casey and  and many others whom have dedicated their lives to the remembrance and sharing of Sky wisdom with our human family.

When she is not gazing up to court the planets she is exploring the below world of the plants through Herbal and Alchemical studies. Her first and forver teacher Gaia her Majestic self, who is the source of all wonders, and Also through guidance and brilliant work of Sajah Popham, taught at the "School of Evolutionary Herbalisim", where she is continuing her studies of Earth wisdom, and her mysteries.

 Prior to her deep dive in the mystical and natural science, she dedicated her university major to biological science and psychology, once she realized that modern science is not sufficient to understand the mysteries of life, she started her own research and studies in natural medicine, alchemy, organic farming, astrology, sacred geometry, numerology, ancient Vedic rituals, Sivananda Yoga lineage and Vipassana meditation as taught by Goenka.

 Her work is the synthesis of all her modalities, in an effort to reconnect the above and the below by remembering and living in harmony with the unified pattern that encompasses all.

Shiva is and will forever be humbly a student of life and all her mysteries.