Beginner’s Corner

Full Moon Occults Mars – Dec 7
Dec 1, 2022 Beginner’s Corner with Sheridan We’re about to start the new Mars cycle! It’s so exciting! This will be a Gemini Mars cycle. When Mars reaches its opposition with the Sun, we begin a brand new 25-month Mars cycle. Think of Mars reaching its full Moon...
Why Isn’t Every Full Moon a Lunar Eclipse?
Beginner’s Corner with Sheridan November 2, 2022 Why isn’t every Full Moon a Lunar Eclipse? Or for that matter, why isn’t every new Moon a solar eclipse? We have a new Moon and full Moon every month, but eclipse seasons only twice a year. Why is that? It’s because the...
Cosmology and Navigating the Night Sky in Arizona
Beginner’s Corner with Sheridan October 6, 2022 I just got back from our first TOTAMS live event in Arizona! What a pleasure to be together again, under the dark skies. Awen (our managing director) and his wife Hanh’s land is wide, alive and feels sacred. We were...
Venus Headed to the Underworld
Beginner’s Corner with Sheridan September 8, 2022 We’ve passed through our last chakra gate when the waning crescent Moon met with Venus one last time, a couple of weeks ago. On September 14 Venus will become lost from our sights into the bright light of the Sun....
Starting in Astrology – The Big Three
Beginner’s Corner with Sheridan New to astrology? Wondering where to start? Start with the Big Three! One - what’s your Moon sign? Two – what’s your Sun sign? Three – what’s your Rising sign? As you progress, you’ll want to lean more into your Venus or Mars sign and...
Learning Astrology Takes Time
By Sheridan Semple It takes time to learn astrology. The undertaking cannot be rushed. No matter how hard we try, or how much time we devote to the task, mastering astrology requires time, lots of time… years of time. Give yourself space and allow the journey to...
Is Aries the Beginning of the Zodiac?
Beginner's Corner By Sheridan Semple Recently, a friend of mine asked me, “Why does the signs start with Aries?” A valid question that many people ponder. I thought, “Does it start with Aries?” Why do we think Aries is the first sign? Is it really the first...

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