Capricorn Full Moon & The Return of White Calf Buffalo Woman

by Vivian Hurley | July 18, 2024 |


Sunday, July 21,  Capricorn Full Moon 6:17am EST

Moon at 29 Capricorn 09′ opposes Sun at 29 Cancer 09′

Moon conjunct Pluto 9:14am EST

Moon at 00 Aquarius 54′ conjuncts Pluto at 00 Aquarius 54′ Rx

In the TOTAMS/Shamanic Astrology Paradigm, Capricorn is connected to the wisdom of the circle of grandmothers and is about the practical stewardship of the Earth and her resources. As the elder / wise one and new world builder, Capricorn is invested in the long term interest of the coming generations and is willing to take on what is needed to bring new structures into practical form, benefiting the next seven generations to come. The Sun in Cancer is illuminating the resonating mothering and nurturing energy to the tribe. Pluto, lord of the underworld, is still composting what is no longer serving the greater good.

I imagine the timely fulfillment of the Native American prophesy of White Calf Buffalo Women as the archetypal Capricorn Goddess.

On June 4, the birth of the White Buffalo Calf to a wild Yellowstone herd fulfills an ancient Native American prophecy that is a blessing and a warning.

A gathering of Nations came together recently to honor and name the White Buffalo Calf.

Chief Arvol Looking Horse, leader of the Lakota and 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe and Bundle, presided over the ceremony and named the White Buffalo Calf, Wakan Gli, Sacred Return or Comes Holy.

According to the Lakota prophecy, a white buffalo calf is a sign of better times ahead, as well as a warning that people must do more to protect the earth and its animals. The Lakota philosophy is based on the story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman who gave a sacred pipe to the people.

Holding the pipe up with its stem to the heavens, she said: “With this sacred pipe, you will walk upon the Earth, for the Earth is your Grandmother and Mother, and She is sacred. Every step that is taken upon Her should be as a prayer. The bowl of this pipe is of red stone; it is the Earth. Carved in the stone and facing the center is this buffalo calf who represents all the four-leggeds who live upon your Mother. The stem of the pipe is of wood and this represents all that grows upon the Earth. And these twelve feathers which hang here, where the stem fits into the bowl, are from Wanbli Galeska, the Spotted Eagle, and they represent the eagle and all the wingeds of the air. All these peoples, and all the things of the universe, are joined to you who smoke the pipe—all send their voices to Wakáŋ-Táŋka, the Great Spirit. When you pray with this pipe, you pray for and with everything.”

“Behold this pipe! Always remember how sacred it is, and treat it as such,

for it will take you to the end. Remember, in me there are four ages. I am leaving now,

but I shall look back upon your people in every age,

and at the end I shall return.”

“The prophecy of the White Buffalo Calf Woman says we are at the crossroads and it’s up to each and every one of us to make it happen. For the future of our children, we must come together and bring that good energy back.”

“The birth of the white calf tells us that the time is now or we will continue to walk down the path of destruction. This is an opportunity to get back into balance with all things. This is a time of spiritual awakening.”

Chief Arvol Looking Horse


Photo Credit:  Apparition of the Buffalo Calf Maiden; painting by Frithjof Schuon, 1959. Public Domain

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