Capricorn New Moon: More Intentional Than Ever

by Susan DeRyder | Dec 28, 2024 |



The culminating New Moon for the Gregorian year of 2024 lands this Monday, December 30 2024, at 5:27pm ET. The Sun and Moon will come together at 09°43″ Capricorn, setting the scene and planting the seed for the first lunar cycle of 2025. As many of us have come to see, the first quarter of 2025 looks to be rich with powerful shifting energies. Before we even begin to explore the New Moon chart, I have felt strongly called the past few days to remind myself and others that this is not a time to ‘speed up’. There is plenty of forward motion all around us and more on the horizon, we do not need to add to that. Let us instead slow down, become more mindful than ever with every step, and more intentional than ever with every action, as we navigate the final three months of the Kali Yuga together.




Saturn Square Jupiter, Jupiter Opposite Mercury, Mercury Trine Chiron (Mercury in Sag Overstory)


The New Moon chart holds the continued resonance of the ongoing Saturn Jupiter square which was exact again on December 24. This square, as I have spoken of in previous articles, offers us the teaching of expansion and refinement on repeat. What a vibrant Jupiter in Gemini has opened the doors to is then soon after given great perspective of stoic selflessness from Saturn. This is a dance that will go on for a few more months. What stands out to me now in this chart is that Jupiter is connecting up with both Mercury (in opposition) and Chiron (in trine). Mercury, now in the Sagittarius overstory, calls us all to point the arrow of truth towards ourselves. Could the connection to Chiron in Aries be revealing an opportune moment to truly and clearly see with our most refined intuition? This feels especially significant since Chiron goes direct December 29. We may wish to sit with these clear and potent questions on and around the New Moon point:

  • What do I know to be true in this moment (Mercury in Sagittarius)?
  • Who am I in all of this (Chiron in Aries)?
  • How can I heal in every way, shape and form now in order to step fully into this truth for the highest good (Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Chiron all working together)?

I highly recommend a recent Founder’s vlog with Daniel Giamario, Mary Kern, and Marianna Voulgaris where they go into the profound teachings of Mercury in it’s new Sagittarius overstory, and more.


Uranus Square Venus (Jan 3 Venus into Pisces and Venus at Her 6th Gate, 3rd Eye Chakra ‘Perception’)


Uranus is in square to Venus for this New Moon. The square is occurring just a few days before Venus moves into Pisces and on the very same day reaches her 6th Gate, the third eye chakra, in the Leo overstory on January 3. The journey of Venus through the Gates at this point in her Inanna journey is about reclaiming her power through each of the chakras. My personal experience of this journey is not as rosy or victorious as it may sound. Reclaiming power must come with remembering our humility.

To me this square seems like it could bring some final shifts and shakes in and around the themes associated with the throat chakra before the Leo Goddess can move on to reclaiming her 3rd eye. If this proves to be true it can only be a good thing. I personally do not want to charge ahead if there is still some work to be done here. I hear the reminder once again; ‘no rush’, so that we may rebuild in a way that allows us to express ourselves in the highest possible way. This is a time to make way for the teachings of Uranus, the revolutionary, who knows how to bring about change if there is an old program running that is not in service to our highest good.


Pluto Opposite Mars, Mars Trine North Node, Pluto Trine South Node (Nodes into Pisces/Virgo Jan 11)


Finally, the conversation between Pluto, Mars and the North and South Nodes of the Moon has been a deep point of contemplation for me these past few days. I spoke in depth about my perspective on Pluto opposite Mars in previous New Moon articles here and here This opposition is still present and will be exact January 3 2025 and again April 26 2025, clearly there is still work to be done in this dynamic aspect.

Now we are presented with harmonizing trines from Mars to the North Node and Pluto to the South Node. To me this speaks to Mars being skillfully called in to the directional arrow for humanity this lunation. Meanwhile Pluto is facilitating some important purging of what needs to be left behind. Since Mars is about to enter a new overstory on January 15 in Cancer, and the nodes are just about to shift into new signs on January 11, it is impossible not to notice what appears to me some divine weaving between the planets.

With the nodes being woven into this New Moon seed point, it has really given me the nudge to pay more attention to the Sacred Masculine in this coming cycle, especially in it’s Cancer overstory. At this time of great transformation and renewal on Earth we absolutely cannot abandon the Sacred Masculine. Trines are flowing and harmonious aspects. May these trines to the nodes be encouragement to us not to be afraid of the necessary shedding nor of the masculine itself as we step toward to portal of the end of the Kali Yuga. May we come together in our individual truths and from there support one another in a time that seems to hold potential for massive healing and renewal for all of us, no matter where we stand on Earth.


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