Keeping Sane with Shamanic Astrology’s 3 Worlds

by Sheridan Semple If you’ve been around the Shamanic Astrology block a few times, you’ve probably heard about the shamanic concept of the 3 Worlds from Daniel and Cayelin. Thinking about the 3 Worlds and trying to stay grounded in all three has really helped me...

In Memoriam to Baba Ram Dass

April 6, 1931 – December 22, 2019 by Daniel Giamario Ram Dass (a.k.a Richard Alpert), certainly one of the greatest spiritual teachers and guides of the modern era, passed peacefully in Maui on December 22, 2019 at his third Saturn Return. Ram Dass was my first and...

News and Articles

Timeless Articles These articles stand the test of time, as we humans know it.  Examples include how Shamanic Astrology came to be, what is Shamanic Astrology, understanding astrology as it relates to Earth history from an alternate perspective. Astrology News...

2024 August Mercury Retrograde with Regulus

by Cayelin K Castell The upcoming Mercury Retrograde starting on August 4, 2024 is worthy of our attention as Mercury stations retrograde near the fixed star Regulus, also known as the heart of the Lion. Regulus is currently at 0 Degrees of Virgo. Regulus entered the...

Tribute to Marion Woodman

A Personal Tribute by Barbara Taylor Born August 15, 1928 at 2:30 pm in London, Ontario, Canada Died at age 89 on July 9, 2018 When I learned of Marion’s passing this week, a deep wave of sadness surged through me. I knew she’d had struggles with cancer in the...

In Memoriam: Ursula K Le Guin October 21, 1929 to Jan 22, 2018

by Daniel Giamario with additional comments from Cayelin K Castell One of my favorite authors and a major source of inspiration to me (she appears as a listed source on my new website) passed away at age 88 on January 23, 2018. She was a towering force in speculative...