Ceremonial Ways to Connect with Cycles and Seasons

Catalinas Hiking as CeremonyThe Magic of Ceremony by Cayelin K Castell

(This was originally written in 2008 and recently updated in May of 2015)

When we engage in ceremony during special astronomical events like Solstices, Equinoxes, any New or Full Moon, or any rare planetary and/or stellar alignments our intentions are greatly magnified.

These ceremonies may include prayers, meditation, dance, drumming, singing, chanting or any of the many other creative ways we have to celebrate life, energize our intentions, and deeply connect with the unfolding Great Mystery.

My personal favorite is doing a ceremonial hike – find out more here.

Drumming etc.

Drumming 2012One of the best ways to participate with a cosmic event is to include ceremonial drumming, rattling or chanting with intention. The intent may be as simple as open heartedly experiencing whatever in-the-moment energies are present. Perhaps you have a specific intent for health, well-being, or planetary awakening that promotes global unity and peace between all people and their various cultures.

Whatever your intent and wherever you are, either with others or by yourself, ceremonial drumming (and or rattling, or chanting) is one of the fastest ways to realign your body and bring you into harmony with the sacred patterning of life.

Studies are now showing that drumming, rattling and chanting, activates our immune systems and is effective in treating depression, trauma, sleep disorders, chronic pain, stress and so on. These activities help us connect more fully with our spiritual, mental and physical bodies and when done ceremonially (with intent) can produce an altered state of awareness deepening our connection to the vital essence and wisdom of our soul and the greater cosmic reality.

Indigenous cultures everywhere have used these techniques for connecting with the heartbeat of the Earth, journeying, visioning and healing work, or as a way to deepen the connection to the magical link between the Earth and Sky and between Soul and Spirit. This also opens the pathway into the cosmic hologram where we can access the greater mysteries including our relationship to the starry realms. (See Article on Ceremony by Daniel Giamario)

Ceremonial Orbs

Sacred Ceremony with Orbs Showing Up

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