Checking in on The US Pluto and Chiron Returns

Dec 19, 2022 ┃by Daniel Giamario ┃

The much-discussed United States Pluto Return soon, on December 28, 2022, has the third and final exact alignment at 27Capricorn33. But this window of initiation is far from over! The previous exact conjunctions were February 20, 2022 and July 11, 2022. When using the same techniques used by our paradigm for personal horoscopes, the window of initiation started on January 19, 2022 and will not end until October 10, 2023, when Pluto reaches stationary direct at 27Capricorn53. There is some credence to having the window of initiation longer for countries, but at the very least January 2022 – October 2023 represents the initiatory peak.

My experience with Pluto transits reveals that, if in the first 11 months of the transit its purpose is surrendered to, then the final portion can be quite an empowerment. But if the shadow is not addressed, then the final portion can be the most intense. As I am not seeing much evidence of the shadow of the American project being addressed, 2023 is likely to be even more denial, and more doubling down on either ignoring or rewriting history.

Like it or not, what happens in America has huge impact on the rest of the world. Most of the rest of the world can hardly believe what is happening to the US, as its hegemonic influence wanes and a multi-polar world is emerging. With Pluto, what needs to be composted, will be composted.

With the recent conclusion of the United States’ second only Neptune opposition on December 3, 2022, what is next up in 2023 is the beginning of the fifth Chiron Return to the US Chiron at 20Aries08. Again, applying the window of initiation as used for individuals, the start will be July 23, 2023 with Chiron reaching 19Aries58. After that, there will be three exact conjunctions: April 20, 2024, November 8 2024, and February 18, 2025, when the window of initiation closes.

I do not see Chiron as a wounder, rather as a teacher that points to the fracture points and offers healing medicine. Possibly, the fifth return can be better utilized than the previous ones as the same fracture points (sacred wounds) keep reoccurring, and little seems to have been learned.

The US chart features Chiron opposite Saturn and square Sun and Mercury. Coming up in 2023 is the Jupiter transit to Chiron on April 5, 2023, and then the hugely significant Total Solar Eclipse crossing the United States on April 8, 2024 at 19Aries24.

More about the Chiron returns of the US coming soon. For now, if you haven’t had a chance to peruse my collection of US Chart articles and videos, it’s here:

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