by Daniel Giamario | Dec 30, 2024 |
As we approach the secular New Year on Wednesday, January 1, I desire to touch on three topics:
Chiron stationing direct
another extreme Out-of-Bounds Moon
and the New Years chart itself
all involving the fate and destiny of the United States. The New Moon at 9Capricorn43 is the closest New Moon to the December Solstice and can be considered the Seed Point for 2025.
Chiron Stationing Direct
Chiron stations direct on Sunday, December 29, 1:13PM PST, at 19Aries00. An extreme OOB 26Sagittarius00 Moon (a maximum 28S21 declination) within a degree of the Galactic Center (27Sagittarius11) strongly punctuates the Chiron station.
This station of Chiron has extraordinary importance relative to the United States, whose natal Chiron is 20Aries08. As most know by now, the United States is in its Fifth Chiron Return. Using the initiatory window employed by TOTAMS, here are some key dates:
July 25 2023: Chiron at 19Aries58, US Chiron Return begins
April 20 2024: First exact conjunction, just after the Solar Eclipse of 19Aries24
November 7 2024: Second exact conjunction, just after the US election
February 18 2025: Third exact conjunction, just after the presidential inauguration; END of US Chiron Return
Out-of-Bounds Moon and Mars
With the transiting North Node reaching 0Aries on January 11 2025, the Out-of-Bounds Moons closest to this date gain significance. The North Node at 0Aries is the exact center of the Lunar Standstill season. The Chiron station, the Capricorn New Moon, and New Years day are all in an OOB Moon condition. Potentially the most auspicious of all is around the Cancer Full Moon (24Cancer00) on January 13 2025, with the extreme OOB declination just before that, on the same day that the North Node reaches 0Aries! This Full Moon is the Magi Full Moon which has a great place in the creation of this school and astrological paradigm.
Two days before the Aquarius New Moon on January 29 2025 is the third of these most important extreme OOB Moons. Here are the big three. During this extreme Lunar Standstill season, the Moon is OOB 2-3 days before and after the most extreme points.
December 30 2024: Capricorn New Moon, 28S26 declination
January 11 2025: just before Cancer Full Moon, 28N26 declination
January 26 2025: several days before Aquarius New Moon, 28S23 declination
Think of the OOB Moon timeframe, or if you have an OOB Moon natally or by progression, as a combination of Mercury, Venus and Mars retrograde with a large dose of Uranus in the mix! Key words are Outsider, Outlander, Eccentricity, and Unassimilable. Expect the unexpected and Be Free!
To add to the celestial drama, not only is Mars itself retrograde, but also Out of Bounds the entire month of January!
New Years Chart for USA
The USA’s New Years chart is indeed interesting. I have provided one that is set for Washington DC, due to how much of great importance is happening with the United States natal chart.

USA NEW YEARS CHART: January 1 2025, 12:01AM Washington, DC
In addition to the information already shared, consider the following when using the US Sibley July 4, 1776 chart, as rectified by Dane Rudhyar:
Chiron at 19Aries00 to US Chiron Return (20Aries08)
Moon at 26Capricorn44 (still OOB) to US Pluto Return (27Capricorn32Rx)
North Node at 0Aries50 really close to US IC (2Aries07)
Washington DC ASC is 7Libra31 with nodal axis aligning with and squaring US chart angles
Mars at 1Leo51Rx near US North Node (6Leo35)
Jupiter at 13Gemini12 exactly on US DSC (13Gemini10) and close to Uranus, and soon to align again with US Mars (21Gemini22)
Venus at 27Aquarius56 conjunct US Moon (27Aquarius12)
Uranus at 23Taurus38Rx near square US Moon
Surely, you are getting the picture. 2025 shapes up to be where the United States meets its Fate OR transforms into its Destiny.
Welcome to an extremely amplified and auspicious New Year … and final months of Kali Yuga!