by Daniel Giamario | Dec 8, 2024 |
This week is dominated by the retrogrades of Mercury and Mars, the Venus-Pluto conjunction at the degree of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and the Neptune station direct.
Having stationed retrograde November 25 at 22Sagittarius39, Mercury aligned with the Sun on December 5 at 14Sagittarius27Rx. This is the time when Mercury is on the inside track between the Earth and the Sun, and the final phase of the 109-day Leo Overstory. On December 15, Mercury stations direct at 6Sagittarius24. This inaugurates the new Sagittarius synodic Overstory which will last until April 7, 2025. This final phase is the most mysterious, when the most potent alchemy of Mercury happens, always with Mercury Retrograde.
This weekend, the yearly Solar opposition with Jupiter happens on Saturday at 12:58PM PST at 16Sagittarius15/16Gemini15. Jupiter is in rough opposition to Mercury and the Sun for many days. Jupiter amplifies, activates and expands whatever it connects with, thus powerfully amplifying this birthing of Mercury’s new incarnation.
Mercury symbolizes the various archetypal versions of thinking: perception, cognition and communication. An extremely amplified version of Mercury in Sagittarius is soon to birth. Most astrologers are quite aware of Mercury’s “reputation” in Sagittarius! Often, it’s an indiscriminate blurting out of spontaneous “truth”! Elsewhere, many times, I have shared the unique understanding of Mercury retrograde that we teach at TOTAMS.
These days before the station direct on December 15 continue to inform our quest for meaning and purpose and a higher pursuit of Truth, inwardly to Source. Apply curiosity about what is about to emerge before blasting it out. New perceptions and cognitions of truth are likely to emerge, and there will be lots to talk about.
An additional reminder: These configurations also light up the United States natal Sagittarius Ascendant (13Sagittarius10) and Mars in Gemini (21Gemini22).
Relative to other planets, the retrograde of Mars is the least frequent. Mars stationed retrograde on Friday December 6 at 6Leo10. Now in a long triple-opposition to Pluto (November 3, 2024, January 2, 2025, and April 26, 2025), this week Mars is also in opposition to Venus in Aquarius. This is the final phase of the 25-month Mars Gemini Overstory, when the new Cancer Overstory incarnation of the archetypal expression of the sacred masculine in men and women is being gestated, now in the third trimester, approaching birth January 13-15, 2025.
Note that Mars is now hovering on the degree of the United States North Node (6Leo35).
Venus-Pluto Conjunction
This Saturday, Venus and Pluto aligned at 0Aquarius22, just after the Moon-Venus conjunction at the Throat Chakra portal at 27Capricorn21, which is nearly the United States Pluto at 27Capricorn32Rx. Beyond any statistical probability, this is exactly the degree of the December 21 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. I have previously speculated that it was the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that marked the start of Kali Yuga over 6000 years ago. This 5th Chakra ascending gate also amplifies the individual and collective power of the Sagittarius Mercury Overstory that births on December 15.
Neptune Stationary Direct
Also on Saturday, December 7, at 3:43PM PST, Neptune stationed direct at 27Pisces07, opening a three-day portal of Neptunian transmission. This is the next to last stationary direct in Pisces for 165 years (the last being January 26, 2026). This indicates the presence of the Celestial World. With a surrender to Divine Grace and Mercy, we can all be assured that all is well, and the Universe is unfolding as intended, now in the final months of the Kali Yuga.