Spectacular Planetary Conjunction Heralds An Emergence From The Underworld
For those who track Internet communications, there have been a lot of suggestions recently about how and what to consciously energize in these really intense times of the Turning of the Ages. From the perspective of Shamanic Astrology, it’s tremendously exciting when there is a visible planetary event of transformational significance. Such an event is coming soon.
At dawn on the morning of December 10, 2006 (Sunday), the closest visible conjunction of three bright planets from 1971 through 2029 will occur. Mars will be about 1 degree to the right of Mercury and Jupiter, which are about one third degree from each other, and both nearly conjunct the bright star Graffias in the head of the Scorpion. Astrologically, it’s around the 4 th degree of Sagittarius. To visibly join with these planets in ceremony will require a pretty dark sky with a low horizon. I believe it will be worth it to make an effort to actually see it.
This visible, rare stellium signals the rise of these three planets from quite an intense and challenging underworld time, and is the perfect anchor for a full speed ahead intention to actualize our visions and dreams. Amazingly, at the same time, Venus will be rising from the underworld on the opposite horizon, in the evening sky. It’s difficult to imagine a more potent planetary signature to amplify the potential magic inherent in our intent. Remember, the universal will of Great Mystery is supportive of human beings who consciously participate in alignment with the initiatory cycles.
If at all possible, join the greater Shamanic Astrological community in energizing this event. Participate experientially, if you can, but even without the visible presence of these planets, it still works. Great Mystery loves it when you consciously communicate that you know what’s going on. I welcome the feedback of your experiences and insights.