End of KALI YUGA, Venus and Mercury with the Sun

by Daniel Giamario | March 23, 2025 |



As I’ve been sharing far and wide, the Kali Yuga ended at this most auspicious March Equinox, amid an Eclipse Season that hearkens back to 1971. In this post, I will outline just what this entails. But first, this weekend’s remarkable configurations deserve a mention – though we, and so many others, have covered them elsewhere.


Venus and Mercury Conjunct The Sun


Venus conjoins the Sun on her interior track between the Earth and Sun on Sunday, March 23, 6:07pm PDT, at 2Aries39Rx. The Fourth Quarter Moon earlier that day was at 2Capricorn05.

Mercury conjuncts the Sun on the interior track between the Earth and Sun on Monday, March 24, 12:48pm PDT, at 4Aries24Rx.

Meanwhile the Moon in late Sagittarius through early Capricorn is wildly out of bounds, reaching as much as 28S42 declination, more than 5 degrees!

Many have thought that these planetary conjunctions mark the beginning of what our school calls the Synodic Overstories. However, TOTAMS holds the ancient and experiential perspective that the so-called Venus “star-point” is the point of her heliacal rise. In this case, that’s March 29, for the first time in over 100 years in Pisces, not Aries.  Also, rather than the new Mercury synodic overstory commencing at the interior conjunction, TOTAMS is of the opinion it is when Mercury turns direct in Pisces, on April 7.

The upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries will propel both Venus and Mercury towards their rebirth into new archetypal expressions.




According to Bibhu Dev Misra, this past Equinox on March 19/20 2025 signalled the end of the Kali Yuga. His research, as outlined in his book Yuga Shift, harmonizes beautifully with my own views on the great Turning of The Ages. If you have not seen my interview with him yet, click here to watch!

Rather than re-hash all I have expressed on this topic before, I am offering here an excerpt from Bibhu’s most recent article. This excerpt perfectly encapsulates my own views:

“The geopolitical shifts over the past few months have been pretty intense, and quite a lot of it has been along the lines I had anticipated, although I had never expected things to move so fast and in this manner. We have definitely seen some deeply entrenched power systems lose some of their clout, many lies and deceptions perpetrated at the highest level against the whole of humanity are coming out into the open, many countries are shaking off the yoke of colonial oppression, the fault lines between nations are getting more distinct, and the warmongering instincts of many leaders, countries and coalitions are being revealed for all to see. At the same time, new war fronts are opening up in the Middle-east, and it won’t be surprising if more battles break out in future to secure the profits of the military-industrial complex.


There seems to be an almost unreal zeal right now in the Western world for going ahead with AI technologies, digital currencies, and nanotech-based mRNA vaccines, and it is no secret that the current aggressive rhetoric for acquiring land and mineral resources is for the purpose of supporting these new ventures. No points for guessing where all of this could eventually lead – an AI regulated “beast system” where people are chipped and injected with nanosensors for monitoring and influencing their thoughts and physiology on a real-time basis, thereby taking us farther and farther away from our connection to our inner divinity, to community, to nature and to the cosmic consciousness. That’s the Kali Yuga end game.


You might think, ‘who is going to buy into that dystopian vision?’, but make no mistake, the powers-that-be are the wizards of deception, and they are likely to use the full force of their propaganda machinery to weave a compelling story – by using a combination of fear, coercion, financial inducements and utopian ideas – so that most people will feel an irresistible urge to queue up in lines to follow their advise, and turn against those who don’t. We have seen that happen before, haven’t we?


In other words, there could be a time in the near future, possible around 2029 or 2030, when every person will have to make a choice – does he go with the technology-dominated dystopian world of surveillance and control, which will be promoted as a ‘Golden Age’, or does he align with his inner spirit and the sacred wisdom of his ancestors, and trust the natural laws that bring about the gradual unfolding of consciousness and our spiritual abilities in the ascending cycle?


We must choose wisely if and when that moment comes, for it will be the most important choice that we will be making in this incarnation.


Sometimes, people ask me, ‘Why can’t advanced technology like AI lead us to a Golden Age?’ and I find that suggestion hilarious. Really? Is there any technology out there which can clear our mind of egoic dross, make us give up our bad habits, dissolve our anger and hatred, heal our trauma and unresolved karma, take the mind away from the pursuit of greed and lust, stop us from lying, cheating, insulting and oppressing others, and take us closer to our inner spirit so that we may radiate the love and compassion, truth and wisdom, bliss and harmony of our inner world?


I don’t think so, and never will there be any such technology. It was not a lack of technology that got us into the descending Yuga Cycle and it will not be the invention of any new gadgets that will take us on the ascending curve. It will be the inner work that each one of us does, aided, of course, by the divine light of the central black hole, that will take us to the next Golden Age. We are entering into a period when spirit will triumph over matter in all its manifestation. Every person who retains sovereignty over his consciousness, remains true to his higher Self, and manifests his soul purpose, will make the world a better place and help to usher in the conditions for a utopian society to emerge.”

Read Bibhu’s full article!


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