March 24 – April 1 2025
Venus heliacal rise in Pisces will happen on March 29th 2025 together with the Aries New Moon. Early at dawn the group will gather at a very sacred ancient spot on a mountain top in central Portugal to be witnesses of HER rising…
Join Cristina Moreira and Lorena Sabugal for a magical tour through very ancient lands, from an 8000 year old large stone circle to the Knights Templar mysterious sites and places of worship of the Divine Feminine, Isis and Mary Magdalene and anchoring the codes of the New Time with HER BLESSINGS.
During your week together you will be journeying through seven different regions of Portugal / Portugraal ( Port of the Grail as originally intended by the Knights Templar who founded the country in the early 1100´s ).
Please note: This event is not organized by the Turning of The Ages Mystery School but by our associates Cristina Moreira and Lorena Sabugal.