June Group Mentoring

From June 1-July 24, Venus and Mars are within 10 degrees of each other, and are quite prominently visible in the Evening sky. Inspired by this quasi-conjunction, it’s a good time to investigate Venus and Mars on natal charts. Topics can include how Venus and Mars differ archetypally, and in their intent, between women and men. Also, we will look at Venus and Mars natal aspects, as well as their return cycles. Special attention can be placed on the significance of Venus and Mars together, and their unique cycle.


July Group Mentoring

TOPIC: How Houses Are Used in the TOTAMS Astrological Paradigm

This Group Mentoring will dive deep into how to interpret house placements within the paradigm.
Furthermore, since 1999, the school has exclusively used the Whole Sign House System, so we will also explore the genesis of its use, how it differs from other house systems, and why it is so essential when deciphering how to align with current life intent.


August Group Mentoring

This month’s group will be considering the TOTAMS Astrological paradigm’s approach to discerning and aligning with Life Purpose and the intent of one’s incarnation.


September Group Mentoring

This month's topic is all about Chiron.This includes the TOTAMS view of Chiron and how it can be applied to chart complexes and transits.


October Group Mentoring

Octobers Group Mentoring is on outer planet transits and natal complexes to Venus and Mars.
The implications of Venus and Mars returns will also be considered.
* PLEASE NOTE THE DIFFERENT TIME. This will make it easier for our European participants this time.


November Group Mentoring

All Things Saturn. The focus is on Saturn timeline cycles, Saturn conjunctions, squares and opposition transits to the natal, as well as these aspects on the natal chart.


December Group Mentoring

This group mentoring will take a look at the transits of 2024 to your chart. Also included would be to explore any time-line initiatory processes that you may encounter next year.


January Group Mentoring

The Transits of 2024 to Your Chart (Part 2)
This group mentoring will take a look at the transits of 2024 to your chart. Also included would be to explore any time-line initiatory processes that you may encounter next year. As always, suggestions and strategies for navigation will be offered, as well as determinations of the relevant time-frames.


February Group Mentoring

This group mentoring will take a look at the transits of 2024 to your chart.
Also included would be to explore any time-line initiatory processes that you may encounter next year. As always, suggestions and strategies for navigation will be offered,as well as determinations of the relevant time-frames.


March Group Mentoring

Chiron returns, Chiron natal aspects, complexes, and transits can all be considered. The overall intent of Chironic initiations will be investigated, with suggested navigation strategies.


April Group Mentoring

With the recent Chiron-North Node conjunction, the United States’ Chiron Return, and Chiron’s alignment with Sun and Moon at the April 8 Solar Eclipse, there’s no better time to focus on Chiron. Chiron returns, Chiron natal aspects, complexes, and transits can all be considered. The overall intent of Chironic initiations will be investigated, with suggested navigation strategies.


May Group Mentoring

With Jupiter about to move into Gemini on May 25, the focus of this month’s group mentoring will be on Gemini. Transits through Gemini, planets in Gemini, Gemini complexes, Gemini on the angles, and story lines that include Gemini can all be included in this session. Everything about Gemini, shadow and light, is on the table for inquiry, interpretation and navigation.
