Aquarius New Moon Members Call (EU)
Monthly Members Calls take place at or near the New Moon each month and cover all the major astrological and astronomical events that are taking place during the current lunation cycle. Members Exclusive!
Monthly Members Calls take place at or near the New Moon each month and cover all the major astrological and astronomical events that are taking place during the current lunation cycle. Members Exclusive!
Air Branch: Astrology and Divination
This next meeting will be concerning the philosophical and spiritual foundations of astrology itself, emphasizing how our paradigm differs from many other forms of astrology. Another topic concerns divination. The inquiry into determinism vs free will is another important topic. What is astrology for, anyway?
This is a monthly mentoring Q&A on Zoom, hosted by Daniel Giamario. Participants are encouraged to ask questions can share chart data in order to receive direct feedback from the founder and other group participants.
Cristina Moreira & Team welcome you to a REVELATORY JOURNEY through the land of ANCIENT EGYPT. In this journey we will be diving into these mysteries and learn about the cycles of time - that the ancients were so keen on tracking - perhaps a way of leaving a message to our time as we find ourselves in the threshold of a NEW ERA.
*Please note: This event is not organized by the Turning of The Ages Mystery School but by our associate Cristina Moreira.
Hosted by Mary Kern and Shiva Faranpour
Join us every quarter with your questions about the basics of TOTAMS Astrology!
As a beginner’s Circle we focus on how this paradigm differs from other paradigms of astrology and our personal experiences on how these tenets guide us in ‘knowing thyself” with greater awareness of our gifts, challenges, and where we are at in the cycle of life and soul’s evolution. Bring any and all beginner questions. We’re here for you!
Monthly Members Calls take place at or near the New Moon each month and cover all the major astrological and astronomical events that are taking place during the current lunation cycle. Members Exclusive!
Monthly Members Calls take place at or near the New Moon each month and cover all the major astrological and astronomical events that are taking place during the current lunation cycle. Members Exclusive!
As Venus is completing her current synodic Overstory and will rise on March 29 to begin her Pisces Overstory, it’s a great time to turn our attention to all things Venus.
2025 March Equinox Seminars March 19 & March 20, 5:00pm PDT CLICK HERE TO ENROLL NOW! March 19, 5:00-7:00pm PDT Venus and Mars in TOTAMS Astrology with Daniel Giamario and Mary Kern Find your local time HERE Within the TOTAMS Astrology approach (Shamanic Astrology Paradigm ™), Mars and Venus have a greater and different […]
Monthly Members Calls take place at or near the New Moon each month and cover all the major astrological and astronomical events that are taking place during the current lunation cycle. Members Exclusive!
Monthly Members Calls take place at or near the New Moon each month and cover all the major astrological and astronomical events that are taking place during the current lunation cycle. Members Exclusive!
A series of seminars ceremonially following and celebrating the dance of Venus and Mars in the sky. Hosted by Daniel Giamario, Shiva Faranpour, Marianna Voulgaris, Silvianne K Delmars and Mary Kern
We are excited to be opening registration for the upcoming “Sacred Cycles of Venus and Mars” Community, previously called “ The Journey of Inanna revisioned” . You are invited to attend our free preview for this new immersive 19-month virtual Community journey and for a chance to register for this New cycle. Join us for a chance to befriend the cosmos and meet the original stars!