Extremely Powerful Aspects

by Daniel Giamario | Oct 13, 2024 |



Jupiter Retrograde, Pluto Direct


In the wake of Jupiter stationing retrograde on Wednesday, October 9, at 21Gemini20, and Pluto stationing direct on Friday, October 11, 5:34PM PDT, at 29Capricorn38, an incredibly intense configuration is upon us with profound implications for the United States natal chart and the world. To refresh your memory, the United States Mars is at 21Gemini22 (square Neptune at 22Virgo25), with Pluto at 27Capricorn32. I have surmised that the US is still in its Pluto Return.


Sun in Opposition to Chiron Square Mars T-Square


The following profound aspects all occur within just a few hours:

  • Sunday, October 13, 1:36PM PDT à Mars at 21Cancer15 squares Chiron at 21Aries15.
  • Also Sunday, 7:38PM PDT à the Sun at 21Libra14 is in its yearly opposition to Chiron at 21Aries 14
  • The United States natal Chiron is 20 Aries08, with the closest exactness next year February 18.
  • Then on Monday, October 14, 1:15AM PDT à Mars at 21Cancer28 squares the Sun at 21Libra28

In pretty much any version of astrology this would be considered a challenging T-square. Taken all of the above into account, the fate and destiny of the United States and perhaps the world is at a crisis point!




Chiron illuminates where fracture points and wounds are located. A Solar opposition is like the “Full Moon” of Chiron, bringing even more illumination, which includes the shadows of the fracture. I have not seen that the United States has addressed its “shadow” in any previous Chiron returns, this being the fifth. Could it finally happen? We shall see.



In a patriarchal expression, Mars (and often the sign Aries) is commonly seen as aggression and war. But there can be more than that. With Chiron in Aries, the Sun in Libra, and Mars in Cancer, all are in householder / culture bearer signs. We can envision new images: Mars as protector of the Earth, her peoples and the natural organic laws of nature, and the Law of One. Additionally, as the strong force of non-compliance to all that is in opposition to those things, I see the higher intention of Chiron in Aries to be just that.


Revision of Cancer


Healthy Human Family, TOTAMS Event Callanish/Scotland, June 2024

The needed evolutionary revision of Cancer is to include Global family; to provide personal nourishment to all sentient beings, to all life. This is not possible with a top-down digital technocratic hive mind run by a small cadre of unelected “elites”, who lack personal human empathy, and the much-lauded intellectual concept of the utilitarian “greater good.” I envision it as a world organized like a healthy family, a model that only a minority has been experiencing in recent times. The State, an entity that only exists in Kali Yuga, can never be this.


Crisis in Action


This T-square alignment is bringing it all to a head – as Dane Rudhyar put it, a “crisis in action.” I sincerely hope and pray that some semblance of an evolved version of Cancer, Aries and Libra will prevail. Negotiation and collaboration are better than war and death. “Counting Coup” is better than the death of an enemy, or divide and conquer tactics. All human beings should be equally valued. These next days will reveal much, though it’s unlikely to be a final test as the end of Kali Yuga has not come quite yet.


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