Libra New Moon: Who is ‘The Other’?

by Susan DeRyder | Sept 29, 2024 |



The Turning of The Ages Mystery School recently reached out to me to see if I would like to contribute to the TOTAMS Newsletter to share some reflection on the New Moon. Being a newly foundationally certified TOTAMS Astrologer, it is a pleasure and honor to be sharing here!


The Libra New Moon


When I saw the chart for this New Moon, I felt it was the perfect time to begin contributing here. The New Moon on October 2 sings connection and communication. This is not to say we will not experience our share of difficult moments in our communications, it just means that it is time to start having those conversations now. And, with the presence of a willing open heart, I believe we can find a pathway to conscious connection and healing with the support of this Moon.

The New Moon is a Total Annular Solar Eclipse (and an Apogee Micro New Moon), the second of two (or some say three) eclipses in this eclipse season! Which node the eclipse is aligned with determines what we may expect to be experiencing.

A South Node eclipse, like this one, brings to the surface the shadow, past karma and unconscious trauma. In the sign of Libra these shadowy aspects could be more visible in our relationships and our willingness (or not) to relate with ‘The Other’. Who this ‘Other’ is really depends on you and where this eclipse lands for you in your chart. Since this New Moon Eclipse is conjunct Mercury in Libra, there is an emphasis on communication and a deep invitation to explore all the perspectives involved. This could be an internal process between you and your inner-other, it could be between you and one other person, or even within a family or larger group.


A Harmonious Water Trine


Meanwhile, a harmonious trine between Venus (Sacred Feminine), Mars (Sacred Masculine) and Saturn adds to the tone and encouragement to connect. Perhaps Saturn’s presence in Pisces in this trine will set up the perfect conditions for us to create a sacred container to approach some of those topics we may have been consciously or unconsciously avoiding. In mainstream astrology, Saturn has been perceived as ‘negative’, representing unfair limitation and suppression, but this is an outdated, patriarchal expression. In the TOTAMS approach, Saturn offers us helpful structure and wise boundaries so that we can grow and learn. Limitation in this sense creates the perfect soils for maturation in the best possible way. If we are willing to venture into those unconscious parts of ourselves that may have been creating blockages in our ability to relate, this trine feels like it compliments an already perfect New Moon line up. It is time to plant new seeds of hope for all our relations.

Daniel Giamario spoke to Saturn in Pisces some months ago by asking the question: “What will it take to open the hearts of the people?”, could this be a time to experience a ‘shedding of a skin’ when it comes to our own ability to open our hearts to another? Venus in the sign of Scorpio is now approaching her 3rd Gate/Chakra on October 5 as she rises from the Underworld. In the Leo overstory she is humbly gathering herself after an intense death and rebirth period. Mars in the Gemini overstory is now incubating in Cancer. Thus, with the sacred feminine and masculine maturing or in full maturation respectively, I see even more potential here for us all as individuals to have some of those harder conversations with our own selves as well as in our close relationships. With the empathetic compassion of Pisces (Saturn), the nurturing care of Cancer (Mars) and Scorpios ability to explore the deepest emotions (Venus) what do we have to lose?


The Invitation


I invite us all to explore our charts and see how we can get on the back of these energies at play and make the most of this opportunity for deepening our understanding of ourselves and the possibility for healing in our relationships. Look for planets in or around 10 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn to see how this eclipse might be activating your chart.

Blessings on your path!


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