More About Mars and Chiron

by Daniel Giamario | Jan 5, 2025 |


Once again, this week prominently features Mars and Chiron. Mars reenters Cancer just before birthing into the Cancer synodic Overstory, and both the Moon and Sun square Chiron. Plus, I am including here a fresh and supportive insight about Aquarius the constellation, not the sign.


Mars Reenters Cancer


Following up on last week’s post, Mars remains leading edge. On Monday, January 6, at 2:44AM, Mars retrogrades back into Cancer. Mars is also OOB until April AND is occulted by the Moon on January 13, just before the first breath of the new Cancer Mars Overstory at his opposition with the Sun on January 15.


Aspects to Chiron


Following Chiron’s station direct on December 30, there are more precursors to the final United States exact Chiron Return on February 18 at 20Aries08. In addition, on Monday at 7:21PM PST, the Moon aligns with Chiron at 19Aries01. Then Wednesday 5:54PM PST, the Sun at 19Capricorn02 squares Chiron at 19Aries02. Expect exceptionally strong Chironic initiatory activity, particularly with the United States.


What Is Pouring Out of The Waterjar?


Since the 1980s I have been emphasizing that the constellation of the Waterbearer (otherwise called Aquarius) has little in common with the sign of Aquarius, and how so many people mistakenly place Aquarius air Sun-sign attributes onto discussions about the “Age of Aquarius”. As seen in the sky, and for millennia, this area of the sky and its stars has most always been interpreted as a region of water.

I was inspired by an article from Catherine Ulissey, the wife of Robert Schoch, where she suggests that it’s not water, but in fact plasma, that is being poured. Here is a link to her article. Recent books by Robert Temple, Robert Schoch, and Joseph Farrell are suggesting that plasma is alive. Plasma has great resonance with the concepts of aether, chi, prana and orgone which more mainstream materialistic science has simply written off.

Recently, I encountered a wonderful quote from the book: “The Twelve Holy Nights and the Spiritual Hierarchies” by Sergei O. Prokofieff. Prokofieff was a prominent follower of Rudolf Steiner, whose work has greatly influenced me. Among other things, it’s the only other school of astrology I am aware of that was able to clearly articulate that there are two different zodiacs. And this was back in the 1920s! The following quote refers to the constellation and not the sign:

“The region of the Waterman is connected with the Hierarchy of the Angels, and of all earthly substances it is water with which they have a quite special connection. Water is, on Earth, the physical reflection of the substance of the worlds-ether, out of which are formed the etheric bodies of Angels and human beings. The etheric body has two qualities in particular: life and memory. For this reason we encounter in the stories and legends of the most diverse peoples the image of ‘living water’ or “water of life” as a symbol of the life-giving forces of the cosmic ether.”

All of this convinces me that it is plasma, as the etheric “living water” or the “waters of life.” Enough with the Aquarian Age being about digital technology or electricity!

End Note: Saturn and Venus are currently traversing these streams of plasma (or water) in the constellation of the Waterbearer.


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