by Daniel Giamario | Jan 11, 2025 |
I have been looking ahead to these days for a number of months now.
There is so very much to unpack.
Full Moon
On Monday, January 13, 2:28pm PST, the Moon is full at 23Cancer59. This is one of my favorite Full Moons. I have named it the Magi Moon because it is the closest Full Moon to the holy day of Epiphany. It can also be seen as the Full Moon most sacred to astrologers. It was under this Full Moon in 1982 that I received the instructions to develop the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm ™.
Moon Conjunct Mars
Also on Monday, at 7:48pm PST, the Moon occults Mars at 26Cancer59Rx. Most of the continental United States can witness this rare event. See the notes below for timings.This conjunction also begins the Birthing phase of the new Mars synodic Overstory that commences on January 15.
Mars is at magnitude -1.38, the brightest it can be in this synod, as it rises in the East at sunset. This is just slightly brighter than Sirius, the brightest star, also now visible in the morning sky. Their appearance is strikingly different: Sirius a brilliant blue-white, and Mars a mix of golden/salmon/peach, with a hint of rose.
The Mars Occultation
The following is taken from the weekly posting of Sky and Telescope Magazine:
“The first two tables, with predictions for many cities, are long. The first table gives the times of the star’s disappearance behind the Moon’s limb; the second gives its reappearance out from behind the Moon’s other side. Scroll to be sure you’re using the correct table; watch for the new heading as you scroll down. The first two letters in each entry are the country abbreviation (CA is Canada, not California). The times are in UT (GMT) January 14th. UT is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, 6 hours ahead of CST, 7 ahead of MST, and 8 ahead of PST.
For instance: Use the first table to see that for Chicago, Mars disappears behind the Moon’s edge at 8:07 p.m. CST, then reappears from behind the opposite edge at 9:16 p.m. CST. From New York the times are 9:21 and 10:37 p.m. EST. For cities on West Coast the tables show Mars being covered when the Moon is still low and twilight is still under way (the Sun has a small enough negative altitude to be worth listing).
The limb of the Moon will take about 30 seconds or more to cross Mars’s disk. The closer you are to the edge of the occultation zone on the map, the longer it will take.”
Click here for map and timetables for the occultation.
Mars Opposition with Sun
On Wednesday, January 15, 6:39pm PST, Mars at 26Cancer12RX is opposite the Sun at 26Capricorn12. This begins the new synodic Overstory for Mars of Cancer, about to unfold in all its phases over the next 25 months. Something quite remarkable and which I have never seen before is that the start of the previous Gemini Mars Overstory on December 7 2022 at 16Gemini07Rx was also an occultation!
Mars and Moon Out-of-Bounds
Up until April of 2025, Mars is out-of-bounds, now at 25N56 declination. The Moon is also out-of bounds at 25N56! This is really similar to the situation in 2022. What this means is that the extreme unpredictable nature of these times is amplified in all areas, be it weather, world events and even Solar events; think of it as retrogrades amplified by Uranus!
As we approach the Jupiter ingress into Cancer, and within a Mars Cancer synodic Overstory, both the positive and shadow implications of the Cancer Mystery School are truly on the front lines for global humanity.
World Events
The list here is nearly impossible to include it all: fires, record cold, floods, genocides, the fog of war, psyops, staged events, false flags, extreme partisanship, false heroes, false narratives … And as Rudolf Steiner expressed it: “The war of all against all.” We can expect anything and most everything to happen. Remain as neutral and unattached to outcomes as possible and play the part that you are intended to play through your life purpose. We are all here for a purpose!
No lessening anytime soon
Many people are fixated on a “Great Awakening” and moving into a Golden Age or 5D, whilst others are into the Apocalypse and “End Times.” As we approach the end of Kali Yuga, the Fourth Turning, and the end and beginning of a Great Turning of The Ages, it’s actually all of this at the same time. No one really knows what Great Mystery has in store. Our best suggestion continues to be our Three Worlds Approach, counselling surrender, aligning with Life Purpose, and trusting in Divine Providence.
Alignment with Spirit, Soul and Heart are essential, as well as keeping connected to our true organic human nature, as well as our personal sovereignty and connection with others.