Of Mercury and The Visible Planets Lineup

by Daniel Giamario | Jan 26, 2025 |


The internet is currently buzzing with posts about the “rare planetary alignment”. I have seen January 25 highlighted. Now attention is placed on February 28. In this Wizard Weekly, I want to explore what may be the truth of this. But first, we need to tune in to what’s happening with Mercury, a major player.




The current Mercury synodic cycle is 113 days long and in the Sagittarius Overstory. It is running from December 15 2024 until April 7 2025, when Mercury is stationary direct at 26Pisces49, beginning the Pisces Overstory.

On January 25, when coming within 10degrees of the Sun, Mercury entered the exterior underworld on the other side of the Sun at 25Capricorn42. It would have been quite hard to see the planet on or after that date.

This begins what we call the psychopomp phase of the Mercury synod, when Mercury is a guide for Souls, either to the Upperworld, Underworld, or even Otherworlds. Within this phase, Mercury will exactly conjunct the Sun on February 9 at 20Aquarius59. Mercury remains behind the Sun at least until February 21, when reaching a 10degree distance from the Sun. This is when it can be expected to be spotted in the evening sky. However, this evening apparition is not a particularly good one and will be a challenging feat to witness. In summary, from January 25 – February 21, Mercury is off the world stage.

  • February 21: Mercury can possibly be seen in the West, rising from the exterior Underworld, at Each day hereafter, it rises a little bit higher.
  • February 23: Mercury nears a 12degree separation from the Sun.
  • February 25: Mercury will conjunct Saturn (1.44degrees NNW of Saturn) at 20Pisces15 in the evening sky, now 13 degrees from the Sun. Saturn is rapidly descending and Mercury is slowly rising. Neither will easily be seen, as planets not more than magnitude 1.0 usually need a good 15degrees distance from the Sun. Saturn will be magnitude +1.2. Mercury, being magnitude -1.2, provides greater promise and could be of help to locate Saturn.

Interestingly, on February 28 the really young Moon aligns with Saturn. But it will be too young to be seen, and Saturn will have descended.


The Planetary Lineup


Many astronomical and astrological events have been grossly over-hyped in the last few decades, often with the use of repetitive and recycled posts. Once again in this case, my not-so-happy function is to burst the bubble!

On the referenced January 25 date, the Moon and barely visible Mercury were in the morning sky, while Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars were easily visible in the evening sky. The “alignment” was bounded by hard to spot Mercury and Mars, about 176degrees apart. This was hardly an alignment, and not rate at all.

Late February is going to be interesting, but again, seeing all five visible planets at the same time will be problematic. Probably the best chance will be February 23-24. The five visible planets (also really hard to ever see Uranus) are now within about 91degrees, but this also is not at all rare, and neither is it some “special alignment”.


But Be Sure to Enjoy the Planets!


No special hype is necessary.

What a wonderful time to enjoy seeing and being with really bright Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and maybe Mercury, which should also be visible near the end of February.

TOTAMS is an experiential school. We advocate receiving your direct transmissions from the planets and stars and participate in dreaming the vision onwards at this great Turning of The Ages.


Final Notes


During that fascinating time of February 23-28, all planets will be direct!

On January 27, the Moon in early Capricorn is wildly and maximum out-of-bounds!


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