Planetary Action at The Equinox

by Daniel Giamario | Sept 22, 2024 |



The 0Libra Equinox happens at 5:44am PDT on Sunday morning, September 22. In the Americas, Sunday morning is the closest sunrise. The closest Sunset was the previous evening, but Sunday evening should be pretty close too if you desire to ceremonialize a sunset nearly due West.

Let’s look at the rest of the equinoctial planetary action that is of most interest.



Sun Opposition Neptune


Friday, September 20, 8:17pm PDT, with the Sun at 28Virgo20 and Neptune at 28Pisces20. A good 3- to 4-day window of this yearly “Full Neptune” frames the Equinox as well as continuing the Pisces/Virgo Super Full Moon vibes from last week. Like Full Moons, Neptune oppositions convey expanded celestial and mystical awareness, as well as possible deceptions and confusions relating to the middle world.




Currently in the long psychopomp phase of the Leo synodic overstory, off the world stage on the other side of the Sun, Mercury has numerous significant encounters before the exact exterior conjunction with the Sun on September 30.

  • Saturday, September 21: Mercury 20Virgo48 square Jupiter 20Gemini48
  • Tuesday, September 24: Mercury 27Virgo02 trine Uranus 27Taurus02
  • Wednesday, September 25: Mercury 28Virgo23 opposite Neptune 28Pisces23
  • Also Wednesday, September 25: Mercury 29Virgo42 trine Pluto 29Capricorn42

That is quite a lot of help Mercury is receiving from the outer planets, aiding the important job of assisting souls on their journeys in and out of various underworld and otherworld dimensions. Combined with the Neptune opposition, these transmissions to Mercury should provide a supportive environment for spiritual and celestial sojourns for those willing to take them.




Moving through the hoop, having recently crossed the galactic edge, and soon to conjoin the United States Mars on September 27, transiting Mars is met by the Moon in the morning sky on Wednesday, September 25, at 11Cancer55. Mars continues to brighten as he moves closer to opposition and the beginning of the Cancer synodic overstory on January 15, 2025.


Moon Out-of-Bounds


Now at the peak of Lunar Standstill season, the Moon is again Out-of-Bounds from September 22-27. Maximum out-of-boundness is on Tuesday with a Gemini Moon out to 28N42 latitude.

Jupiter conjuncts the Moon in the morning sky at, exact 3:39pm PDT on Monday at 20Gemini56. This serves to highlight and remind us of the remarkable retrograde station of Jupiter coming up on October 9 at 21Gemini20. In an astonishing synchronicity, from September 24 until November 2, Jupiter is within one degree of the United States Mars (21Gemini22). If the current United States election season has not already been strange and unpredictable enough, there is likely to be even more surprises. Beware of bifurcation and the duopoly of the United States system.


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Image by Naraya Naserian

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