October 10 2022
Possibly overlooked and overshadowed by the spectacular FULL MOON with Jupiter, is the turning direct of Pluto. The exact point was 2:56pm PDT on October 8. The initiatory window of these outer planet stations lasts a good three days at least.

This Pluto station at 26Capricorn6.8 is certainly a major contributing factor to the Jupiterian amplification of the Aries Full Moon. This Plutonian station and amplified Full Moon are highly significant for a few other reasons:
1) Pluto is now turning towards the final exact conjunction with the United States Pluto on December 28 at 7:00am PST at 27Capricorn33. SEE THE US CHART 4-PART ARTICLE PACKAGE HERE: https://turningoftheages.com/daniels-investigation-of…/
2) Less well known is that the 1991 horoscope of the Ukraine has 26Capricorn06 rising, the exact point of Pluto’s recent station! Also, like the US, the Ukraine has the Moon in Aquarius (22Aquarius39) and a major Saturn transit with its conjunction to the Moon, lasting much of this year.
3) There are many other rather spooky connections among the US, European Union, and Ukraine Charts, and I plan my next video blog to be about this. Amazingly, the EU, with its Saturn at 23Aquarius38 (Nov 1 1993 chart), is in a Saturn Return. Thus, the EU’s Saturn is conjunct the Ukraine’s Moon. This Plutonian Full Moon portal with the precise conjunction on the Ukraine Ascendant perhaps suggests the composting of the Ukraine project. Will it also take the European Union down along with it? The next few months will reveal many secrets.
Putin’s Pluto/MC conjunction at 21-22Leo, with his nodal axis of 19Aqurius59/19Leo59 is also extremely relevant, with the additional fact that this final week of the most exact last square of Saturn to Uranus at 18degrees of Aquarius and Taurus places these positions in the cross-wires of our planet’s most significant global transit.
Meanwhile, Mercury is now at its greatest elongation in the Morning Sky. The maximum was on October 8 at 27Virgo38, about 18 degrees from the Sun, but remains at approximately the same elongation for several days. This is the best morning apparition for those in the Northern Hemisphere; the best time to actually see it!
Also of note is that on October 10, Mercury returns to Libra, after stationary direct on October 2. This is the September Equinox zero Libra location, where the ecliptic and the celestial equator intersect. Mercury, now at a bright -1.1 magnitude, can serve as a magic marker in the sky for locating the Equinox in the sky. At this current time in precessional history, this lies exactly in-between the Priestess and Lion constellations. The first essay in the Shamanic Astrology Handbook discusses the relevance of this for our times. Among other things, it symbolizes autonomous, sovereign, non-hierarchical conscious equal partnership.