A Plutonian Inauguration

by Daniel Giamario | Jan 19, 2025 |


This week includes the worldwide-watched United States presidential inauguration on Monday, January 20, and comes with a number of omens and portents. There are many such omens and portents, including the strong presence of Pluto and a bright comet in the evening sky just after sunset. The word “auger” is from Latin, referring to ancient Roman rituals used by priests to decipher the will of the Gods.


The Inauguration Chart


The “official” time of the United States Presidential Inauguration is 12:00noon on Monday, January 20.

Here is the chart:


Let’s take note of the following:

  • Lunar Nodes (29°08 Pisces/Virgo) align with US MC/IC axis
  • Mars at 24Cancer23RX in conjunction with US Mercury at 24Cancer11Rx
  • Moon at 18Libra31 in conjunction with US Saturn and Pallas
  • Jupiter at 11Gemini38Rx near US DSC of 13Gemini10 and soon again to exactly conjunct DSC and natal Mars of
  • Chiron at 19Aries13 near US Chiron of 20Aries08, with the exact conjunction of the Fifth Chiron Return approaching.
  • Neptune at 27Pisces40 (with Saturn and Venus nearby) still in a long opposition to US natal Neptune of
  • Uranus at 23Taurus18Rx still in a long square to the US natal Moon of 27Aquarius12. Another US Uranus Return approaches in 2026.


The Pluto Information


The Pluto information follows below. You can also access my US chart and Pluto explorations in detail here and this Astrology of The USA YouTube playlist!

Every United States configuration of shadow and light is in play!



The maximum intensities of Pluto’s initiatory processes can be expected. Much shadow can be uncovered and secrets unveiled. Narcissistic power plays may be in full force. Individual sovereignty has never been more important as a counteraction to the spell of the collective, the tribe, and the egregore.

The yearly Sun-Pluto conjunction is Tuesday, January 21, 4:29am PST at 01Aquarius 42. This is closely followed by the Last Quarter Moon the same day at 12:31pm PST, with the Sun at 2Aquarius03 and the Moon at 2Scorpio03. I reckon that the United States is still in her Pluto return (natal 27Capricorn32Rxand 29Capricorn33 by progression).


Current Pluto Opposite Pluto At Outbreak of WWII

Also of great interest is that the current transit of Pluto in Aquarius is in opposition to where Pluto in Leo was in at the outbreak of WWII. This was the previous Fourth Turning for Europe and the United States. It has now arrived again in the 2025-2030 timeframe.

  • July 7, 1937: WWII begins in Asia, 27Cancer53
  • Sept 1, 1939: WWII begins in Europe, 02Le004
  • Dec.11, 1941: US enters WWII, 05Leo32


And A Comet


Historically, great comets have been cosmology’s greatest omens and portents. Comet C/2024 G3 9(Atlas) is now brighter than Venus, just after sunset over the Western horizon. Possibly the brightest comet of 2025, it can be found below and to the left of Venus.


Other Planetary Highlights


Venus and Saturn

Saturday, January 18, at 5:26pm PST, Venus and Saturn align at 16Pisces05, 47degrees from the Sun in the evening sky, with Venus at her greatest elongation. Both planets are found in the water (or Plasma!) streams of the Waterbearer, coming within 2.2 degrees of each other.  Self-love and a deep dive into the Inner Sacred Marriage Process is recommended this week. Remember to not take limitations and boundaries arising in relationships and with regards to resources personally.


Having now birthed into his Cancer synodic overstory, Mars rises just after sunset and at the greatest brightness of magnitude -1.3 of the synod. On Inauguration Day, Mars can be found near Pollux in the Twins constellation, at 24Cancer23Rx.


Really bright at magnitude -2.7 in the Bull constellation, just in front of the Bullseye star Aldebaran and between the horns, Jupiter is at 11Gemini38Rx on Inauguration Day. Jupiter dominates the high-south in the evening.

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