Ramblings, Reflections, and Ruminations from Daniel Giamario – May 2021


For this Part Two, I plan to cover three topics.  First will be a look at how the upcoming Eclipse season impacts the US chart.  Then an investigation of the amazing and utterly unique situation with how the eclipses of 2017, 2023, and 2024, cross over the United States, which we can call the “Triple Cross”.  This part will include the stunning zodiacal connections.  The last section will place the United States into the larger context of its unique saeculum, and the Fourth Turning, which the US is in the final few years of.


There are two eclipse seasons each year, separated by about 6 months.  The first one in 2021 is from May 26th-June 10th, featuring a total lunar eclipse and an annular solar eclipse.  The second 2021 eclipse season is November 19th-December 4th, featuring a partial lunar eclipse and a total solar eclipse of nearly 2 minutes length.  At least 3 of these eclipses appear to have strong connections with the US chart and can indeed foreshadow or presage the Pluto and Chiron returns written about in the Part One article, as well as having great relevance to the other 2021 aspects to the US chart.

The May 26th Lunar Eclipse:  Although not visible in the US, the South Node at 10Sagittarius43 is nearly conjunct the US ASC.  The Sun at 5Gemini25 is very close to the US Uranus, and the Full Moon at 5Sagittarius25 is also near the US ASC.  The nodal axis is in alignment with the US DSC/ASC axis, which always signifies past and future destiny, a linkage between fate and original intent.  Meanwhile during this first 2021 eclipse season Saturn continues its transit to the US South Node, and Jupiter continues its transit to the US Moon.

The June 10th Annular Solar eclipse will sweep through Canada and just briefly touch the edge of Northern Michigan.  Annular solar eclipses are underrated.  The syzygy is as exact as a total solar eclipse; only the Moon is just slightly too small to cover the whole of the Sun, creating a unique ring of fire effect.  At 19Gemini47, this super new moon will also align really close to the US ASC/DSC axis of 13Sag10/13Gemini10, as well as a pretty close conjunction with the US Mars.  Transiting Mars has just recently passed over the US Mars, and also the US Jupiter, Venus, Sun and Mercury.

The December 4th Total Solar eclipse, though not visible in the US, is also quite fascinating relative to the US chart.  Happening at 12Sagittarius22, it’s within one degree of the US ASC at 13Sag10.  The North Node is 1Gemini44, marking this as a North Node forward looking super new moon, as was the June 10th eclipse.  As Pluto is closing in on natal Pluto, with the final Saturn square Uranus about to happen later in the month, and Jupiter making its final pass over the US Moon; I think events surrounding this second eclipse season of 2021, centering on the Dec.4th eclipse, will establish in a major way, which way things turn for the USA, as we now dive deeper with the 2023 and 2024 eclipses.

THE 2023 and 2024 ECLIPSE TRIPLE CROSS   Section Two

The eclipse seasons of 2021, and the Jupiter and Saturn initiatory cycles to the US chart are mere forerunners of what is to come.  Part One detailed the Pluto and Chiron returns.  Now we will look at one of the most remarkable coming phenomena that I have ever encountered.  Three different solar eclipses, two total and one annular, in the short space of seven years, will create three crosses over the continental US.

We all remember the marvelous total solar eclipse back on August 21, 2017.  A number of us in SAMS gathered in Oregon to witness it.  This eclipse, beginning at 5:48AM at sunrise just west of Portland in the Pacific Ocean, then traversed the entirety of the continental US from Oregon, through the heart of America, exiting over South Carolina into the Atlantic.  Although lasting but 2minutes and 40 seconds of totality, it was witnessed by many millions across the US, and was quite the sensation.  Chart-wise, this eclipse took place at 28Leo50, a North Node eclipse, with the nodal axis at 24Leo13/24Aquarius13.  This was closely in opposition to the US Moon, with the South Node also close.  We can also notice how connected this is to Donald Trump’s ASC of 29Leo and his Mars at 26Leo.  Those connections in greater detail have been covered elsewhere.


On October 14, 2023, an annular solar eclipse, at about 6:10AM, will arise in a similar area of the Pacific Ocean west of Oregon, then travelling through Oregon over Eugene, then over parts of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, then through the Yucatan, parts of Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Columbia, and finally the Brazilian Amazon, and exiting over the Atlantic Ocean.  Some significant locations in annularity include Kayenta, Window Rock, Roswell and Los Alamos.

The two eclipse tracks cross just off the Oregon coast. This area has a major fault-line that has generated massive tsunami’s that inundated the Northern West coast only several hundred years ago.  This Solar Eclipse occurs at 21Libra08, with over 4 minutes of annularity.  This is a South Node eclipse, with the nodes at 24Aries52/24Libra52, really close to the US Chiron.  The Eclipse degree is pretty close to the US Saturn.  At the time of the eclipse, Chiron is 17Aries31.  But most importantly, at the time of the eclipse, Pluto, at 27Capricorn53, is squaring the nodes and near EXACT conjunct the US Pluto, the US having been in its Pluto Return from January22, 2022.  (This uses the orb for a person, whilst many of us feel that the Pluto return of the US, as a country, actually could be seen to begin in 2021 and continue into 2024).


Back in 2017, it was pretty well known that the path of the eclipse would intersect with the path of another total eclipse of even greater duration (4 minutes and 28 seconds) that would also traverse a large portion of the continental US.  On April 8th, 2024, at about 6:41AM, in the Pacific Ocean, the path of totality crosses Mexico over places like Mazatlan and Durango, and then through Texas, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Maine, and Northeast Canada, exiting into the North Atlantic from Nova Scotia.  Many large cities will fall under the umbra.  Quite likely, even more people will witness this eclipse.

The second cross happens over Carbondale, Illinois and the whole general area of the New Madrid Earthquake fault.  Many things have been, and will be written about this.  This fault-line, near the Mississippi River, was the location of the largest earthquake in US history in 1812.

This eclipse happens at 19Aries24, with the nodal axis at 15Aries37/15Libra37, and is a North Node Eclipse.  It’s nearly opposite the degree of the 2023 eclipse.  But what is incredible, is that the eclipse is exactly conjunct Chiron at 19Aries24.  The US has Chiron at 20Aries08, and in the throes of its fifth Chiron Return.  It’s hard to make this kind of stuff up.  (See the two Sabian symbols for 20 Aries below)  The transiting South Node is also conjunct the US Saturn.  Meanwhile, Pluto has, by now, entered into Aquarius.


Considerably less well known, is a third cross.  The path of the 2024 eclipse will cross the path of the 2023 eclipse in Texas, directly over San Angelo.  San Antonio very nearly gets to be in the cross.  As this is written in May of 2021, consider the significance of Texas in light of the primary global narrative unfolding now.  If you consider the included diagram of the three crosses, notice the shape and any possible meaning there.  There are many clues.  It will certainly be interesting to see how this all unfolds.

“THE FOURTH TURNING”   Section Three

To develop a larger context for understanding the possible meaning and intent of all this, I now turn to a rather important source of information for me; a book written in 1997 called “The Fourth Turning” (by William Strauss and Neil Howe).  In addition to providing a new context for the Timeline material in the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm ™, it also provides an amazingly useful view of United States history.  There is no astrology in the book, but it’s remarkably useful nonetheless.  Sometime ago I reviewed this book in the newsletter. 

In summary, the authors use the ancient Etruscan concept of the saeculum, a time period of about 90 years, a concept that originated from when they noticed that at any given time, the oldest respected elder was about 90 years old.  They then also noticed that within that same 90 years, four generations would come and go.  

This has a marvelously useful application to US history (and apparently all of Europe and even China, but not Russia).  For example, a fourth turning has occurred about every 90 years or so, at a really major turning point in US and European history.  The American Revolution was at a Fourth Turning from 1773-1794.  The US Civil War was a Fourth Turning 1860-1865.  And the next Fourth Turning was the Great Depression and WW2 circa 1929-1946.  The current Fourth Turning began with 9/11/2001 and is speculated to end around 2025.  Totally fascinating that this corresponds to the US Pluto and Chiron returns.  The triple cross eclipses over America should certainly get our attention, if we are willing to look at history.  Each Fourth Turning for the US has resulted in a total shift into a different national paradigm.  But none have been with these additional factors.  What can we expect?

Will it be the death of the American experiment?  Will it be another revolution, and the breakup of the US as we have known it?  Will it be something like post WW2 with the Cancerian development of the largest middle class ever?  Will it be the sellout of the Black population after the Civil War?  Or will the dominant energy of Saturn and then Pluto in Aquarius implement the technocratic, trans-humanist, top-down, Homo Sapiens 2.0, Great Re-set agenda of the New World Order?  Or instead, maybe a Great Awakening, with the restoration of Primal Earth/Gaia, and a commitment to personal autonomy and sovereignty, with the greater emphasis on our humanity and connection to Spirit, Divinity, and with the capacity to co-create with Great Mystery.  I vote for that one!

 Just as in 2017, SAMS produced a summit called “Preparing for 2020”; in the same vein, I write these articles to prepare us for 2022-2025.  It’s way better to be aware of all this, and learn from history.  Awareness of all possibilities can help enable our ability to use the “Three World’s Approach” and to be better able to apprehend what role each of us, individually, is to play, as we align with our life purpose and take our place on the mandala of life.



From Rudhyar: 


KEYNOTE: Overcoming crises through compassion.

Nature’s seasonal rhythms imply an oscillation between living and dying. Through creative imagination man can “fly over” the cycle, and discover means not only to escape from the fatality of seasonal decay or deprivation, but to assist other living entities to survive through crises. Migrating birds fly south (cf. symbol of Aries 12°), but by establishing a partnership with other creatures unable to escape wintry deprivation or death, man can maintain the life of the spirit (symbolized by birds) steady through all crises if, like a “young girl,” he is widely open to the promptings of love and sympathy.  

At this fifth stage of the symbolic sequence we witness human activity motivated by sympathy overcoming the seasonal phase of impotency. Life potency in nature spirits reaches a higher level in the human being.  The theme is THE TRANSMUTATION OF LIFE INTO LOVE.

From Lonsdale:

ARIES 20:   An empty courtyard.

Nothing is left.  Reality is scattered.  Self-obliterated.  The familiar rendered irrelevant. Apocalyptic changes, personal and collective, take over.  No being, only action.  You become a projectile of intent, literally identify with what you can do now.  A barren wasteland of an inner world.  A thrust outside. Stark and surreal.  You feel compelled to dare, pushed over the edge, no going back–destiny as frenzy. And in this wild, volatile mix, creative forces are released that would never come out any other way.  Yielding to the role of the purging and cleansing agent of changes, you are unable to wriggle out of anything ever again.

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