Shamanic Astrology Mystery School Review of 2012
We are so excited to share with you the growth and expansion the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School has enjoyed over this past year of 2012. We have truly had a transformative year thanks to our donors, members, SAMS Council/board, Shamanic Astrologers and other contributors to the school.
The Shamanic Astrology Mystery School (SAMS) is in an on-going process of expansion, creating more opportunities for people to participate worldwide and enjoy this unique way of experiencing astrology and astronomy as transformative education.
In the last 12 months, SAMS:
- Participated in the United Astrology Conference (UAC) with Daniel Giamario as a featured speaker. SAMS had a booth at the UAC conference featuring the Newly Revised and Expanded Shamanic Astrology Handbook with over 50 pages of NEW content!
- Created and Hosted a very successful Cosmology Event in Hawaii with over twenty participants, who got to witness the Venus transit over the face of the Sun while also learning about ancient cosmology and archeo-astronomy from the Hawaiian point of view
- Launched a new, updated and more interactive website
- Launched a Free Tele-class series where more than 900 people participated in four classes.
- Greatly expanded our presence on Facebook and Twitter creating a major platform for members and participants in the school to connect with facilitators and students throughout the world
- Made great progress in furthering the creation of a Shamanic Astrology card deck, to be completed in 2013. This will provide a fun, simple and interactive way to learn more about Shamanic Astrology.
- Increased revenues via events, product sales, and donations to make this our best financial year ever!
For 2013, SAMS will, after a six year hiatus, resume hosting live events in Faywood Hot Springs. Plus, we will also be holding more events in Hawaii with the potential for live classes to be held in many other parts of the world as well.
We are also in the development stage of a web-based class structure for several of the core Shamanic Astrology teachings. The tentative launch date of the first class is in the fall of 2013.
All of these accomplishments couldn’t have been done without the support of our members and donors, and we very much appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you for your continued support of this transformative educational program as we continue to grow and expand the reach of these sacred teachings.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please go to our home page at and scroll down to the donate button on the left-hand side.
If you would like to become a member, or renew your membership, this link describes all the great benefits you receive as a member of the School and will let you know where you can sign-up.
Once again, with immense gratitude from the Executive Council of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery we wish you all many blessings for a Happy and Joyful New Year!!
The Executive Council of SAMS