19 Year Lunar Standstill, Winter Solstice and a look at 2015

2010 December Timeline Event 188

with Daniel Giamario, Cayelin Castell and members of the SAMS Council

Get all 3 Recordings OR you can purchase the individual recording of your choice.

Get ALL 3 Recordings for $50:

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1. Winter Solstice, Lunar Mysteries, and the Turning of the Ages
Recording in the window of the exact Winter Solstice at 3:03pm PST, and New Moon at 5:36pm PST, this teleclass  explores the importance of the Winter Solstice, the Lunar Cycle including the 19 year Inner Lunar Standstill and an update on the Galactic Alignment at this remarkable Turning of the Ages.

Purchase this Recording for $30:
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2. Looking ahead to 2015 
This is a yearly collaboration between Daniel and Cayelin looking at the most important Celestial Events of 2015.
Purchase this Recording for $30:
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3. All the latest SAMS News and Developments.
A roundtable with the SAMS Council sharing the latest developments and plans for the school, including the 2015 schedule, the new SAMS members website, updated certification requirements, Daniel’s new book, and how you can be a part of our growth.
Get this Recording Free:
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