Saturn Stations Retrograde June 4/5, 2022

By Erik M Roth of Inspiral Nexus

FACEBOOK POST June 5, 2022

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Saturn Stations Retrograde June 4/5, 2022

The ringed planet Saturn makes its annual station retrograde point June 4/5 at 25°15’ Aquarius.  Anytime a planet stations retrograde (or direct), it is not a one-day affair and can take about 2 days to complete the standstill point before moving in the other direction.  This will be the third year (and last year) in a row its station retrograde point takes place in the sign of Aquarius.  Next year, Saturn will go right into Pisces to stay for almost three years.

A retrograde motion for a planet or other celestial body is an “appearance” of the planet moving backwards against the backdrop of the stars.  In Saturn’s case, this is due to Earth catching up with Saturn in its orbit.  Saturn will continue to brighten faster after this point, though not all that much.  But it will be more prominent to see in the sky and quicken its pace to finally be seen in the late evening sky by July and mid-evening by August.

Saturn represents our middle world with all its laws, structures, relationships, resources, systems and forms along with the concept of human time.  Saturn assists us in building our future by laying down a new foundation and “operating manual” that is in harmony with humanity.

Since it is working with the sign of Aquarius, it is about applications of the Aquarian themes such as new technologies, approaches to consciousness and its expansion, social justice and laws that provide greater equality and a greater awareness of humanitarianism and the need for all to contribute in a meaningful and difference-making way.

Retrograde motion for Saturn will be to place emphasis on the Saturnian initiation in that area of the sky in which it traces back and forth.  Saturn stays retrograde through October 22/23, 2022 and all the way back to 18°35’ Aquarius.  That means that the degrees of 18-25+ Aquarius will experience two more transits of Saturn.

This area of the sky activates the stars of the Goat-Fish constellation’s tail.  Nashira and Deneb Algedi are the two stars of prominence here along with the outstretched arm of the Water-Bearer pouring the infinite cosmic waters down to Earth.  This is the area that Jupiter activated in 2021, especially in the Sept-Dec period.  Saturn is helping to solidify the framework uncovered by Jupiter at that time as it relates to Aquarian archetypal themes.

Nashira and Deneb Algedi connect all of humanity to the transitional waters of our era.  Between the Earth and Water, Sky and Land.  It is Saturn assisting us in building a container for an emergence and expansion of consciousness.  But it is one that isn’t about any bypass to ascension but a genuine cosmic temple within ourselves, recognizing we are all one people when seen from the sky.

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