Second Eclipse Season of 2024

by Daniel Giamario | Sept 15, 2024 |



The cycles and meanings conveyed by the Lunar Nodes are a foundational feature of the TOTAMS Astrological Paradigm (aka Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™). Resonant with this is the great importance of the twice-yearly eclipse seasons.

The second one of 2024 stretches from the September 17 Full Moon until the October 17 Full Moon. Eclipse seasons occur about every six months. Occasionally, there can be three eclipses in one eclipse season, but usually it’s only two. This current eclipse season, beginning with a partial Lunar Eclipse, is somewhat controversial, as some have reckoned that the Full Moon of October 17 is a just barely Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which would make it three eclipses in this season. Other sources, such as, argue that there is no eclipse then. I have chosen to see it as three, giving a month-long eclipse season, from Full Moon to Full Moon.

To produce an eclipse, any syzygy of the Moon with the Sun (conjunction or opposition) must be close to the Lunar Nodes, the closer the better, which in practice means 15degrees or closer. An important feature of an eclipse season is that the Lunar Nodes hardly move at all. This eclipse season features an exact Annular Solar Eclipse with the New Moon, one quite minimal partial Lunar Eclipse, and a Full Moon that may or may not be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.

I took the following from the website which I very much recommend:

“Supermoon is not an official astronomical term. It was first coined by an astrologer, Richard Nolle, in 1979. He defined it as ‘a New or a Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in its orbit’. It is not clear why he chose the 90% cut off in his definition.

Supermoon Definition

There are no official rules as to how close or far the Moon must be to qualify as a Supermoon or a Micro Moon. Different outlets use different definitions. Due to this, a Full Moon classified as a Supermoon by one source may not qualify as a Super Full Moon by another.

The following definitions are used at

  • Supermoon: A Full or New Moon that occurs when the center of the Moon is less than 360,000 kilometers (ca. 223,694 miles) from the center of Earth.
  • Micromoon: A Full Moon or New Moon that takes place when the center of the Moon is farther than 405,000 kilometers (ca. 251,655 miles) from the center of Earth.

A Super Full Moon’s angular size is 12.5%–14.1% bigger than a Micro Full Moon, and 5.9%–6.9% bigger than an average Full Moon.”

The Full Moons of September 17 and October 17 completely qualify as Super Moons and are the closest of the year. The September 17 perigee is 357,486 km from Earth, and on October 17 even closer at 357,364 km. The closest of this century happens on December 6, 2052 – close to the all-time closest of 356,429 km. The Apogee Micro New Moon on October 2 is the farthest of the year at 406,516 km.


Partial Lunar Eclipse September 17 – Perigee Super-Full Moon


North Node Eclipse with Moon at 25Pisces41 and North Node at 6Aries36, a separation of about 11degrees, hence a minimal partial eclipse with less than 10% shading. North Node Lunar Eclipses are future-oriented events, with somewhat less “shadow work.”


Total Annular Solar Eclipse October 2 – Apogee Micro-New Moon


South Node eclipse with Sun and Moon at 10Libra04 and South Node at 6Libra33, a separation of less than 4 degrees, hence a total eclipse, albeit an annular one, due to the Moon being too small to fully cover the Sun. The path is quite far down in the Southern Hemisphere, crossing Easter Island and extreme South America. South Node eclipses have the greatest emphasis on past karma and unconscious trauma. This eclipse is quite close to the MC/IC axis of the United States chart and even nearer to the US natal Saturn of 14Libra48.


Barely Penumbral Lunar Eclipse October 17 – Perigee Super Full Moon


The closest of the year at only 357,364 km or 222,056 miles. Possible North Node Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 24Aries35, North Node at 6Aries36, 18 degrees apart, hence an eclipse, though dubious at best. Nevertheless, this is the closest Full Moon of the year, and should be distinctly special for expanding consciousness as well as exposing the “shadows of night.”


Eclipse Seasons


Eclipse seasons are portals of initiation for Earth and global humanity. Events are amplified and can carry profound meanings and messages, whether or not you have any close connections on your own personal chart. The September Equinox also falls within this eclipse season, and it is worth noting that the United Nations is holding meetings around the days of the equinox. Rumors have it that they will declare a planetary emergency and create a United Nations 2.0 in league with the WHO. The United States election dramas continue to accelerate, with so much happening on the United States Natal chart. I explore this topic in my upcoming Vlog. Keep an eye out for it in the TOTAMS Newsletter and subsequent media posts! Meanwhile the war drums are intensifying along with an acceleration of global Awakening from a dark spell.


Pluto’s re-entry into the final degree of Capricorn


Pluto’s re-entry into the final degree of Capricorn reveals this Sabian symbol from Dane Rudhyar:


KEYNOTE: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power.”

We are all aware now of the work of secret committees in the White House and at all levels of government. The student of esoteric philosophy believes in the existence of what has been called an “inner Government” which has the power to direct or guide the evolution of our planet and of mankind. Some people speak of “occult Hierarchy,” or of the “White Lodge.” Here again what is at stake is a “seeing through” the facts of telluric processes and human history — assuming that these facts are at least in part the outcome of the decisions of a supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings. Obviously, the symbol can also refer to what occurs at the more ordinary level of business and politics. At any level, it refers to the highest form of social interaction.

This is the last symbol belonging to Scene Twenty and related to the zodiacal sign Capricorn. We see in it the culmination of social responsibility and a reference to EXECUTIVE POWER


Upcoming TOTAMS Events


In addition to my Vlog, TOTAMS will be offering two Equinox Seminars, one of which is on the United States election and the key players. You can register here!

Lastly, the next Group Mentoring offering will be on the Lunar Nodes and Eclipses! Enrollment opening soon. Free for TOTAMS Premium Members. Basic Members receive 50% off.


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