Technosis – Part One

Sept 27, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario |

The entirety of this exploration will be in two parts and titled



This is Part One.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny ‘failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.’ In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure.” — Neil Postman




This article can be considered a follow-up to my recent Ramblings: “The Individual vs. the Collective”. Due to the many issues involved in the main theme, the current article will be in two parts. Intimately woven into these explorations, from an astrological perspective, are my recent works on the shadow of Aquarius, the six converging timelines, and the cycles of the United States horoscope.


What is Technosis?


Technosis is a relatively new word and I am not sure who first coined it. It is not to be confused with technophobia, an irrational fear of technology; neither with techgnosis, from a book linking AI to mystical gnosis. What I am alluding to here is captured more by what appears on the google search bar:

“Technosis: Some people become so immersed in the technology that they risk losing their own identity. Symptoms of technosis, according to Drs. Weil and Rosen, include overdoing work and never feeling finished, believing faster is better, and not knowing how to function successfully without technology.”

Therefore, technosis is the dark spell that is being cast over global humanity that so many are not even aware of, or have willingly and happily embraced, or at least gone along with, assuming it must be good as inevitable and natural evolution and progress. I hope in my explorations to question these assumptions and purport that technosis is a blend of addiction and being under a hypnotic spell.


The Myth of Progress:

Evolution or Devolution? Or Involution


What is the myth of progress?

”One of the dangerous things about the story of progress is that we don’t think it’s a story. We think it’s the truth.” – Paul Kingsnorth

One of the greatest myths of Western civilization is the myth of progress. In this case, “myth” refers to its connotation as fantasy. It is fascinating that in dictionaries today the idea of “myth” as a widely held but false belief or idea shows up second. The first meaning of the word refers to traditional stories explaining natural or social phenomena, like a saga or folk tale. That is understandable since the word “myth” comes from the Greek word, Mythos, connected to speech, word and discourse. I love this first meaning, but it’s the second that I am referring to, and apparently that connotation did not exist before 1830!

Progress is a dynamic myth; it is motivational and directional. As a myth it is commonly defined or conceived of as the acquisition of “more of the good” and ever-increasing expansion. This myth of progress is actually quite recent, only appearing from the time of the Industrial Revolution.


Linear or cyclical or both?


As an astrologer and a researcher of history, an understanding of historical cycles is foundational. Until recently, most cultures saw history as cyclical, with natural risings and fallings. From the Renaissance onwards, in the West, the movement has been towards the linear, with the assumption of progress. Should the word “history”, be instead “herstory”, it could be easier to grasp how recent these linear views have developed. Oral history and knowledge of cycles was foundational in matristic and matrilineal times. Linear history is an artifact of patriarchy and the myth of history.

A popular additional view that looks at a synthesis is that of ascending spirals. Popular versions of this include “Spiral Dynamics” and a lot of the Integral literature. The spirals are cyclical but are moving in a linear ascending direction. I question this, as what if the spirals descend as often as ascend?


The Nature of Kali Yuga


Over the last few years, I have been researching the six converging timelines, not all of them astrological. These are: The Precessional Cycle, the Sixth Sun, the sixth mass extinction, the Fourth Turning, the Mayan Calendar, and the Yuga Cycles.

All of these converge at the Great Turning of the Ages which I have been aware of and been sharing about since the mid-1980s. Most are converging 2024-2025. The Kali Yuga cycles from India are most useful for exploring the topic at hand.

New research emerged in 2012 that overturned previous timelines of the Yuga Cycles. But many are still using the older conceptions that the end of Kali Yuga was 1899. The new research shows 2025 as the bottoming out of Kali Yuga. The elegance of the Yuga cycles elucidates a rising and falling of cycles of history (or herstory). The Greeks were influenced by the Vedic civilization in their conception of the four ascending and descending yoga’s: Sat Yuga (Golden), Treta Yuga (Silver), Dwapara Yuga (Bronze) and the Kali Yuga (Iron). Plato and many others used this concept. In more ordinary times, 2025 would start a slow ascent back to the next Golden Age more than 13,000 years in the future.

However, in a Great Turning, a complete reset could be at hand. Quite possibly the Sixth Sun is another First Sun. Or that this is not just the end and beginning of a 26,000year precessional cycle, but 12 x 12 Great Years = 312,000 years. Perhaps this is a complete reset, an end of linear history, or even cyclical conceptions as it has been known. Rudolf Steiner is known to have suggested that the Earth would need to die in order to resurrect.

In the latest research, which includes my own, the Kali Yuga timeframe is from 3676BCE until 2025CE, a total of about 5700 years. There are 300year transitional zones between each Yuga. One entire Yuga cycle is 25,352 years. Notice how closely aligned that is to the length of one precessional Great Year of 25,920 years.


So, what is the nature of Kali Yuga?


In Robert Lawlor, “Voices of the First Day”, pg. 76, we find the following which I have cited before:

“The Vishnu Pranas, a mythological text of the Hindu’s, described it this way:

‘Kali (not the Goddess usually thought of) brought sin into the world. In the Kali Age the proper order of human relations is reversed; social status depends upon the ownership of property; wealth has become the only source of virtue; passion and luxury are the sole bonds between spouses; falsity and lying are the conditions of success in life; sexuality is the sole source of human enjoyment; religion, a superficial and empty ritual, is confused with spirituality.’”

I would add here: when science becomes “scientism”; when definitions of things are altered whenever it serves the controllers; when a social media profile is more important that actual and truthful human connection; when consensus reality and utilitarianism: (“the greater good”) attacks genuine diversity, and with it the full spectrum of organic human 1.0 possibilities. And last but not least the attack on personal sovereignty and an attempt to make an inner life obsolete. Many more examples can be given, right up to the ultimate inversion: human evolution or “progress” leading to becoming artificial intelligence, which would be the deepest possible descent into materialism, the extinction of our connection to Soul and Spirit, and the most comprehensive Kali Yuga descent ever known. It will make the Fall of Atlantis look like a walk in the park.

The following quote from Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22”, written in 1959, further elucidates the essence of Kali Yuga:

“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.”

The Deepest Descent into Materialism


Kali Yuga is the deepest descent into materialism. Inversion is found everywhere. Thanks to Rockefeller medicine and scientism, Aether has been eliminated from consideration. Spirit and Soul are cancelled, and Consciousness is merely a creation of the brain. Another massive inversion – as almost all spiritual traditions and perennial philosophies are quite clear that consciousness preceded matter.

The rise and fall of the Yugas marvelously describe the cyclical view of time. Evolution and Devolution are part of the process. Linear progress is as much a sign of devolution as is patriarchy.  But Involution also needs to be considered.




Influenced by the likes of Sri Aurobindo and Rudolf Steiner, all proponents of involution, Involution is a foundational element of TOTAMS and our astrological paradigm.

Wikipedia can be ok on a few topics (and thoroughly hijacked on others) and I am sharing here something useful from there about Involution:

“In theosophy, anthroposophy and Rosicrucianism, involution and evolution are part of a complex sequence of cosmic cycles, called a Round. When the universe attains a stage of sufficient density, the individual spirit is able to descend and participate in the evolution. Involution thus refers to the incarnation of spirit in an already established matter, the necessary prerequisite of evolution: As an example, the so-called descent of the Monad into matter means an involution or involving or infolding of spiritual potencies into material vehicles which coincidentally and contemporaneously, through the compelling urge of the infolding energies, unfold their own latent capacities, unwrap them, roll them forth; and this is the evolution of matter.”

And from Gottfried de Purucker:

“That period of time devoted to the attainment of selfconsciousness and the building of the vehicles through which the spirit in man manifests, is called involution. Its purpose is to slowly carry life lower and deeper into denser and denser matter for the building of forms, till the nadir of materiality is reached. From that point, life begins to ascend into the Higher Worlds. This succeeding period of existence, during which the individual human being develops self-consciousness into divine omniscience, is called Spiritual Evolution. In the Cosmology of Surat Shabda Yoga, involution and evolution apply to both the macrocosm, the whole of creation, and the microcosm, the constitution of an individual soul.”


A Willed Choice To Open The Heart


TOTAMS considers evolution and involution to be reciprocal. At the end of Kali Yuga, Involution is intended to be completed. It is the deepest descent to spirit into matter. Kali Yuga is the most materialistic of any age, so much so that many will forget about soul and spirit, not to speak of heart. Within cyclical perception, the bottom of Kali Yuga is DEVOLUTION.

But this is not bad news, actually.  Though it is said that only one fourth of the heart is available in Kali Yuga, that does not mean 75% of the population does not have an open heart. It is more of an average of the total population. Actually, it was understood that to develop an open heart in Kali Yuga is of far greater significance than in any other time. In a Golden Age most all hearts are open, so there is no real awareness of it. In addition, in Kali Yuga, the development of the Spiritual will is most possible; a willed choice to open the heart. Equally important, and also only so possible in Kali Yuga, is the strong intention to develop the true autonomy of the individual soul and the choice of freedom. Kali Yuga is necessary to induce this possibility.


Summary of Part One


Part one has developed many of the key themes providing a foundation to fully explore the development of the global digital brain, which includes the cloud, the space fence, and the electromagnetic swamp that global humanity finds itself in. The rise of Technosis and how and why it has been happening has been explored.

Subjects to cover in PART TWO include:

  • Carbon vs. Silicon, and Water
  • Digital or Analog; Is Consciousness Digital?
  • What Net Zero Really Means
  • The Possible End of Organic Human 1.0, Homo Deus and Transhumanism
  • Humans Evolve With and as Part of the Earth
  • The Materialistic Simulation and Facsimile of God
  • Is it Inevitable? Or Can We Change it? Can the Spell be Broken?
  • Resources

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