The Morning Sky Gets Even More Amazing! April 25, 2022



By Daniel Giamario

The Morning sky continues to draw our attention.  This is such a special opportunity for all astrologers who love the night sky.  As the Moon will traverse the latter degrees of Aquarius and enters Pisces Monday morning, we will get to see on three consecutive mornings quite a rare and spectacular display of planetary magic.

Moon conjunct Saturn leads the way.  The exact conjunction is 4:33PM PDT at 23Aquarius55.  Monday morning before dawn, the Moon will be about 5 degrees South, below Saturn.

Mars, now well past his conjunction with Saturn, exactly conjoins the Moon on Monday at 5:51PM PDT at 8Pisces14.  Before dawn on Tuesday morning, the Moon can also be found south and below Mars.

The Fourth Chakra gate of the current Venus/Capricorn morning star over-story has the exact conjunction on Tuesday at 9:50PM PDT at 23Pisces47.  For those in North America, Wednesday morning before dawn finds the Moon just below and to the left of bright Venus.  This opens the month long portal of the Heart chakra initiation for the Sacred Feminine, for both women and men, as she descends into the Underworld (around September 16th).  Notice how close the Pisces degree is to the recent Jupiter/Neptune conjunction of April 12th (23Pisces58), which I have recently spoken and written about and can be watched here  . This is a heart opening initiatory process, with the emphasis on having the blocks to an open heart removed as much as possible.  It also presages the upcoming and even more spectacular conjunction of Venus with Jupiter on Saturday at 2:14pm PDT at 27Pisces57.  This is just mere hours before the Solar Eclipse.  Venus and Jupiter will be within one half a degree of each other, and will seem almost touching.

Lastly is the Moon’s encounter with a rapidly rising Jupiter.  It’s exact at 4:07AM PDT on Wednesday morning at 27Pisces16.  Jupiter will be about 2 degrees just above the Moon.  This is yet another emphasis on the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, and reminds us of the eminent Venus/Jupiter conjunction.  This overall alignment also includes the conjunction of Venus with Neptune, which my colleague, Erik Roth, will be writing about.

This is quite a remarkable sequence of alignments, and not to be missed.  Whilst Neptune can be often a confusing and deceptive initiator, and in light of the increasing intensity and challenges globally now, I suggest using these three mornings to receive guidance and celestial healing from the Ananda Love of the One Reality.  May we be held in her embrace, and in surrender to Divine Providence and Mercy.  Set your intention to be with the Moon and Planets these next few mornings.

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