Venus Begins to Accelerate as Jupiter Pauses and Punctuates

Sept 4, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario |



The relationship between Venus and Jupiter has been quite fascinating during these 125 days Venus has been in Leo with Jupiter in Taurus (along with Uranus). As this week begins, the current Venus and Jupiter relationship that commenced last June may soon be reaching its intended outcome.



Venus Stationary Direct


On Sunday, September 3, at 6:20pm PDT, morning star Venus stationed direct at 12Leo13. In her emergent Leo Overstory, which began with the heliacal rise on August 19, Venus has now begun her long journey to the exterior underworld, arriving there next year on April 27. Venus will slowly gain speed through the zodiac, arriving at the first morning Moon/Venus conjunction on September 11. Within the TOTAMS Astrological Paradigm, this is the 7th chakra portal, the portal of expanded awareness of the crown chakra.

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Venus is now at a brilliant magnitude -4.6 and rising nearly straight up from the horizon about 29degrees from the Sun. She remains in the sign of Leo until October 8, then moving through the dim stars of the Crab constellation, all the way up to Regulus, the heart of the Lion, often associated with Archangel Michael, guardian of Christos-Sophia and the authentic human being.


Jupiter Stationary Retrograde


Early Monday morning, September 4, at 7:10am PDT, Jupiter stations retrograde at 15Taurus34. Venus and Jupiter are both stationary and about to move in different directions. Venus reaches an exact square with Jupiter on September 16 at 15Leo18/15Taurus18, with Jupiter still nearly at the same degree as the station. This is also the August cross-quarter degree. Most noteworthy is that there have been two previous Venus squares to Jupiter within this passage of Venus through Leo: June 11, 2023 at 5Leo37/5Taurus37, and August 22, 2023 at 15Leo18/15Taurus18! This is a triple Venus-Jupiter square, and I am not remembering anything so exact before in a triple square!

Even more important to note is that the Lahaina Fire attack happened on August 8 with the Sun at 15Leo53 with Venus in the interior underworld at 21Leo21Rx and Jupiter at 14Taurus24.


What Is The Intention?


A square is a “crisis in action”, in the eloquence of Dane Rudhyar. Events occur which individuals and the world are at the effect of.

Leo is, of course, FIRE. Thousands of fires are happening around the planet, being blamed on human caused climate change. This is true, but not in the way the corporate media tries to propagandize. It’s geoengineering and arson mainly, and not the CO2 scam.

I believe the 8/8 Lahaina attack can be likened to another 9/11 event. The spiritual purpose is a wake-up call to global humanity to open the heart and to react as awake humans with a righteous sense of justice when recognizing such obvious violations. It is unclear though whether the message from Venus will be received.

Amplifying the main theme is the Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter, as well on Monday at 15Taurus34! You can see a magnitude -2.6 Jupiter 6 or 7degrees to the right of the Moon, rising around 10pm on Sunday or Monday evening. All this, and throwing Jupiter in Taurus into the mix, this could be a week of unexpected events, possibly leading up to the time around the third Venus-Jupiter square on September 16.


Sabian Symbol


The Sabian Symbol for 16Leo is a hopeful one:



KEYNOTE: The surge of life and love after a major crisis


The symbol speaks clearly for itself. How brilliant the light after the long ‘night of the soul’! The battered but unconquered consciousness finds itself exalted in the marriage of sunbeams and rising sap. This indeed is ‘Release’ — light and life singing in the cleansed and refreshed mind, flooded for a while by the waters of feeling.

This is the first stage in the twenty-eighth five-fold sequence. It is a sequence that reveals consciousness at its most inspiring moments of enjoyment. But these ‘peak experiences’ can operate at several levels. The first and most basic level is that of life itself, and of the overcoming of its many crises — THE JOY AND POWER OF NEW BEGINNINGS.”

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