Dec 26, 2022 ┃by Daniel Giamario ┃
Three fascinating events to bring to your attention:
Venus had begun her visibility in the evening sky, emerging from the exterior underworld just
after December 1, 2022. But this past Saturday at 4:16am PST, the Moon joined with Venus at
17Capricorn 59. This began the first gate/portal of the evening star phase of the Venus/ Capricorn
synodic overstory. This portal symbolized the first chakra, and the place in her journey where she
completely knows that she is alive, and has survived, fully initiated from her underworld sojourn. It is
interesting to note that in the astonishing magic of the Venus cycle, the sign of this first evening star gate
is the same sign, Capricorn, as when she began the synod at her heliacal rise back on January 15, 2022.
This first chakra portal lasts until the next Moon/Venus conjunction of ascending Venus.
Mars, currently retrograde and out-of-bounds, exactly conjoins the bright red star, Aldebaran on
Monday December 26, 2022 at 10Gemini05. This is the second of three exact conjunctions of Mars with
Aldebaran during the seven months that Mars is in Gemini. The first of these conjunctions was on
September 7, 2022, and there will be one more on January 30, 2023. Aldebaran is the hugely important
bullseye star of the Bull constellation, and one of the three “red swords” (along with Mars and Antares).
Aldebaran is also a prominent Behenian star, one of the four stars marking the cardinal directions, and
has been associated with Archangel Michael. Along with Antares, Aldebaran was also one of two prime
fiducials that established the framework for the ancient Babylonian sidereal zodiac, which preceded the
Hellenistic Zodiac of tropical signs. Mars conjunct Aldebaran is really auspicious on so very many levels
not least as a visual marvel.
A somewhat rare occurrence can be observed in the evening sky this week that is fun to tune
into, with the Moon highlighting the visible planets of the lineup. Using the configuration of the
evening of Monday the 26th, we find Venus closest to the horizon, followed by a fading Mercury, a not
visible Pluto, then Saturn with the Moon just above. Not visible Neptune is next, followed by the Moon
conjoining Jupiter on the 28th. Not easily seen Uranus is next, and then last but not least is the Moon
occulting Mars on January 3, 2023.
As of December 26, all planets, plus Chiron are in a span of 155degrees, considerably less than half a hemisphere.

Here is a summary:
Venus 21Capricorn12
Mercury 23Capricorn52
Pluto 27Capricorn30
Saturn 21Aquarius56
Vesta 12Pisces07
Juno 22Pisces32
Neptune 22Pisces48
Jupiter 0Aries38
Chiron 11Aries56
Uranus 15Taurus15
Mars 10Gemini01.
The only prominent object not in this lineup is dwarf planet Ceres at 2 Libra03.
Considering all the other overwhelming and intense aspects that we have shared about recently, these are all wonderful opportunities for ceremony of all kinds, as well as just the wondrous appreciation of the night sky.