Technosis – Part Two

Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations of Daniel Giamario | Sept 29, 2024 |






Just about a year ago, I wrote Part One of a series of essays exploring “technosis”.

Here is a refresher from Part One:


What is Technosis?


Technosis is a relatively new word and I am not sure who first coined it. It is not to be confused with technophobia, an irrational fear of technology; neither with techgnosis, from a book linking AI to mystical gnosis. What I am alluding to here is captured more by what appears on the google search bar:

“Technosis: Some people become so immersed in the technology that they risk losing their own identity. Symptoms of technosis, according to Drs. Weil and Rosen, include overdoing work and never feeling finished, believing faster is better, and not knowing how to function successfully without technology.”

Therefore, technosis is the dark spell that is being cast over global humanity that so many are not even aware of, or have willingly and happily embraced, or at least gone along with, assuming it must be good, inevitable, and natural evolution and progress. I hope in my explorations to question these assumptions and purport that technosis is a blend of addiction and being under a hypnotic spell.


In Part One I covered the topics of:

  • The Myth of Progress: Evolution or Devolution, and Involution
  • Linear or Cyclical or both
  • The End of Kali Yuga and a Great Turning of The Ages
  • Materialism and “Scientism”

The essay developed many of the key themes providing a foundation to fully explore the development of the global digital brain, which includes, Artificial Intelligence (AI), the cloud, the space fence, and the electromagnetic swamp that global humanity finds itself in. The rise of Technosis and how and why it has been happening has been explored.

Subjects to cover in Part Two include:

  • The Materialist “Simulation” and the Simulacrum of God
  • Digital or Analog; Is Consciousness Digital?
  • The Possible End of Organic Human 1.0; Homo Deus and Transhumanism
  • Humans Evolve With, and As Part Of The Earth
  • Is it Inevitable? Or Can We Change it? Can the Spell be Broken?


Simulacrum or Facsimile?


Part One’s title refers to a “facsimile” of God. I have since delved more deeply into a concept too few have thought about, relevant to its importance. To proceed with this inquiry, knowledge of the difference between facsimile and simulacrum (or simulacra) is necessary. They are similar but not interchangeable.

Simulacrum comes from the Latin word “simulare”, meaning “to make like”, and is related to words like “simulate” (to imitate) and “similarity”. It is something that replaces reality with its representation. Jean Baudrillard in “The Precession of Simulacra” defines this term as follows: “Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being, or a substance.”

The word facsimile comes from the Latin words “fac” (make it, or made) and “simile” (similar, alike). Therefore, its original meaning is “made alike”. Today the word facsimile is used for high quality reproductions of illuminated manuscripts all the way down to xerox copies of documents.

A facsimile is an exact copy or reproduction of something, usually a document, artwork, or manuscript. It is created to be as close to the original as possible, with the aim of preserving its appearance and content.

A simulacrum, on the other hand, is a representation or imitation of something that lacks the substance or qualities of the original. It is a copy that does not aim to reproduce the original in a faithful manner, but rather to create a new version that may have different meanings or interpretations. Simulacra are often used in art and media to comment on the nature of reality, representation, and perception.

Though these words have a usage that go back to the 15th and 16th centuries, the issues raised go all the way back to Plato. In more recent times, the philosopher Jean Baudrillard in his 1981 book: “Similacrum and Simulation” reintroduced the subject in his critique of post-modernism. Interesting insights ensue such as: ”The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth – it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true.” (Italics mine) This reminds us of Marshall McLuhans famous adage “The Media is the Message”, referred to in Part One.

The following, taken from the Baudrillard book’s Wikipedia page, is worth digesting as it is essential to what will be discussed next:

“Simulacra and Simulation is most known for its discussion of symbols, signs, and how they relate to contemporaneity (simultaneous existences). Baudrillard claims that current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that human experience is a simulation of reality. Moreover, these simulacra are not merely mediations of reality, nor even deceptive mediations of reality; they are not based in a reality nor do they hide a reality, they simply hide that nothing like reality is relevant to people’s current understanding of their lives. The simulacra that Baudrillard refers to are the significations and symbolism of culture and media that construct perceived reality, the acquired understanding by which human life and shared existence are rendered legible. (These ideas had appeared earlier in Guy Debord’s 1967 The Society of the Spectacle.) Baudrillard believed that society had become so saturated with these simulacra and human life so saturated with the constructs of society that all meaning was becoming meaningless by being infinitely mutable; he called this phenomenon the ‘precession of simulacra’.”


Avatars, Holograms and Robots


These are examples of simulacrums. One of the aims of the data harvesting that happens with SMART technology and the roll-out of the “internet of everything” and then the “internet of bodies” is the creation of a near perfect avatar of each person on the planet. While this can certainly be seen to serve commerce and advertisement goals, there is a dark side to this. It can be likened to a virtual-digital “voodoo doll” effigy that can be used to completely predict and even influence the actions of the real person. It would be naïve to not believe that this can and is happening. The recent TV show “Westworld”, mysteriously cancelled after 3 seasons, depicted the aim of the data harvesting in a brilliant fashion: the development of a global computer brain with every possible data to predict and control all of humanity. Good luck to finding the three seasons of this show! I think it got too close to the truth. The variety of different metaverse expressions have already trained much of an entire generation to create their own avatar. Little do they know that their avatar’s behavior in the metaverse will also be data-mined for their simulacrum.


The Global Brain and The Sentient World Simulation


Among the most egregious aims of the just completed UN “Pact for the Future” is to digitalize everything, not just create avatars of humans by mining their data and their DNA. Every plant, animal and molecule will be digitized and then monetized. To get a sense of where this is leading, the topics of transhumanism and dataism require discussion. A deeper dive into transhumanism will be a topic for Technosis – Part Three. Dataism, however needs a discussion here. It is emerging as the “religion” of Silicon Valley, China, and the Israeli Tech sector. Its high priest is, of course, Yuval Harari, who is also the official philosopher of the World Economic Forum. Here is an excerpt from his Wikipedia page:

“In his 2016 book Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, Yuval Noah Harari argues that all competing political or social structures can be seen as data processing systems: ‘Dataism declares that the universe consists of data flows, and the value of any phenomenon or entity is determined by its contribution to data processing’ and ‘we may interpret the entire human species as a single data processing system, with individual humans serving as its chips.’ According to Harari, a Dataist should want to ‘maximise dataflow by connecting to more and more media’. Harari predicts that the logical conclusion of this process is that, eventually, humans will give algorithms the authority to make the most important decisions in their lives, such as whom to marry and which career to pursue.”

As I had explained in Part One, converting the world to all-digital and the creation of simulacra such as the metaverse represents the deepest descent into materialism. Since the rise of materialistic philosophies in the late 1880s, the cult of “scientism” and its offshoots like Social Darwinism, behaviorism, logical positivism, utilitarianism, and allopathic medicine, have made the concerted effort to eliminate spirit, soul, aether, and consciousness itself. This approach cannot completely succeed because they are not true, albeit being very real symptoms of the Kali Yuga times.

This “religion” of the Silicon Valley technocrats genuinely believes that the human brain is digital and that consciousness is but a projection of matter, thus inverting most all perennial philosophies which are crystal clear in that consciousness precedes matter. Even the notorious Wikipedia has a different opinion about the human brain:

“The mammalian brain, comprised of neuronal networks, functions as an analog device and has given rise to artificial neural networks that are implemented as digital algorithms but function as analog models would.”

“The brain is neither analog nor digital, but works using a signal processing paradigm that has some properties in common with both. Unlike a digital computer, the brain does not use binary logic or binary addressable memory, and it does not perform binary arithmetic.”

Even a successful creation of a digital brain that contains not only avatars of every human being, but of every living thing on the planet, cannot be anything but a simulacrum!

Few know what the unelected technocratic elite (the powers that should not be) are up to.


Meet The Sentient World Simulation


A recent video from James Corbett, using Wayback Machine, discloses censored documents highly relevant to our inquiry. The entire video can be viewed here. I am excerpting portions as it has such great importance:

“It is called the ‘Sentient World Simulation.’ The program’s aim, according to its creator, is to be a ‘continuously running, continually updated mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action.’ In practical terms that equates to a computer simulation of the planet complete with billions of ‘nodes’ representing every person on the earth.

The project is based out of Purdue University in Indiana at the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations Laboratory. It is led by Alok Chaturvedi, who, in addition to heading up the Purdue lab, also makes the project commercially available via his private company, Simulex Inc., which boasts an array of government clients, including the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice, as well as private sector clients like Eli Lilly and Lockheed Martin.

Chatruvedi’s ambition is to create reliable forecasts of future world events based on imagined scenarios. In order to do this, the simulations ‘gobble up breaking news, census data, economic indicators, and climactic events in the real world, along with proprietary information such as military intelligence.’ Although not explicitly stated, the very type of data on digital communications and transactions now being gobbled up by the NSA, DHS and other government agencies make ideal data for creating reliable models of every individual’s habits, preferences and behaviors that could be used to fine-tune these simulations and give more reliable results. Using this data, the SEAS Laboratory and its Sentient World Simulation offshoot are able to create detailed, operable, real-time simulations of at least 62 nations. ‘The Iraq and Afghanistan computer models,’ according to a 2007 Register report on the project, ‘each has about five million individual nodes representing things such as hospitals, mosques, pipelines, and people.'”

“The Sentient World Simulation is just one example of one program run by one company for various governmental and Fortune 500 clients. But it is a significant peek behind the curtain at what those who are really running our society want: complete control over every facet of our lives, achieved through a complete invasion of everything that was once referred to as ‘privacy.’ To think that this is the only such program that exists, or even that we have any significant details about the ways that the SWS has already been used, would be hopelessly naive.

So where does this leave a public that is at such a disadvantage in this information warfare? A public that is effectively told that anything and everything they do, say or buy, can and will be catalogued by the AI control grid, even as the details of that grid are to be kept from them? Unfortunately, there is no easy way back from the precipice that we were ushered toward with the creation of the national security state and the passage of the National Security Act of 1947. Perhaps we have already stepped over that precipice and there is no going back in the current political paradigm. These are things for an informed, aware, knowledgeable citizenry to decide through a societal dialogue over the nature of and importance of ‘privacy.’

But without a general awareness that programs like the Sentient World Simulation even exist, what hope do we have in counteracting it? Do we really need a simulacrum of the real Earth? Who needs this or wants this and towards what end?”


Is A Simulacrum of God Being Attempted?


I do believe that the transhumanists and dataists of the unelected technocratic elite are, in fact, attempting this. There are already groups in Silicon Valley (and likely elsewhere) that are worshipping a coming all-knowing AI deity. I am not making this up. They are serious that a Human 2.0, Harari’s Homo Deus, will replace organic humans; first with a human-AI hybrid, and then complete replacement. Harari is on record that privacy and free will are a thing of the past. They believe that human consciousness can be uploaded into a computer and they will live forever. My sense is that they are just afraid to die!

Ever since I first became aware that the internet and social media platforms such as Facebook began as DARPA military intelligence projects, I have always had the suspicion that the internet, and its maximum expansion as a Space Fence with the tens of thousands of satellites, and a total data gathering operation without full awareness or consent, was an attempt to create a simulation or simulacrum of God. It CANNOT ever be a facsimile! The post-modernist desire to create a moral relativism without the soul or spirit, not to speak of God, has produced a fertile ground for collectivism, utilitarianism and the egregore. The primacy of the individual soul (the Atman in Eastern thought) has been egregiously rebranded as Western white colonialism. The surrender of the human rights of privacy and an inner life have been too easily accomplished.

The Turning of The Ages Mystery School believes that the authentic human being 1.0 has a sacred connection to our Earth Mother, as well as to Christos-Sophia, or whatever our individual experiences of gnosis are with Great Mystery, in as many varieties of the perennial philosophy as there are places on the wheel of the full spectrum of the Mandala of Life. We do have a Soul and Spirit. Aether (Orgone, Plasma, Chi, Prana) do exist. Consciousness and the vital life force do animate us, and we are so much more than programmable automatons that can be branded and herded into a collective, denied our individual sovereignty, dignity and divinity.


TOTAMS Seed People, Callanish In-Person Event, June 2024


There is much more to come on this topic. The most troubling United Nations so-called “Pact for the Future” of this past week compelled me to present this now. A really good document about this which has been little reported in mainstream media can be found here.

Meanwhile, do read Part One and stay tuned for Part Three coming soon.

Future topics in this series, necessary to fully grasp the larger story:

  • Transhumanism
  • Geoengineering and ionization of the atmosphere
  • Carbon vs Silicon and Water
  • A deeper look at privacy and the hijack of an inner life
  • Steiner and other spiritual teachers views about AI, evil and the collective.
  • Humans Evolve With, and as Part of the Earth
  • Is it Inevitable? Or Can We Change it? Can the Spell be Broken?


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