Pisces Lunation · First Quarter

by Silvianne K. Delmars | Feb 27, 2025 |



Our lunation week begins with a deeply heartfelt Pisces New Moon on February 27 and ends with an antsy second quarter Moon in Gemini the following Thursday. Here are the highlights (all times in PST).



Thursday, February 27


The Moon meets the Sun late this afternoon at 09 Pisces 41. They are joined by asteroid Ceres, outer planets Neptune and Saturn, the North Node and messenger Mercury, all in this most mystical zodiac sign. This is definitely a month for dreaming deeply into new possibilities, as we say goodbye to the old to make room for something entirely new.

With Sagittarius overstory Mercury exiting the underworld threshold today (as it moves 15 degrees away from the Sun), the timing is ripe to foster fresh perspectives, especially ones that come from the heart. If you find yourself adrift in these emotional waters, remember that Saturn is here as well to anchor us. Once you have set your safe anchor, do allow yourself to do some drifting with the currents. Who knows what messages lie waiting to be encountered.


Friday, February 28


Look for the slender waxing crescent Moon just above the western horizon after sunset. Mercury may be visible nearby, and Venus is bright above. Saturn has now disappeared from the evening sky, on the way to its yearly rendezvous with the Sun next week. 

The Moon is passing Saturn, Mercury, and the North Node today, activating this amazing Pisces line-up. Time to bring back our ancient connection with Spirit, as we seek to integrate a whole different way of being into our daily lives, in support of the new collective destiny unfolding before our eyes. 


Saturday, March 1


Leo overstory Venus is entering the final gate in her ascent journey, as she stations retrograde this afternoon then meets with the crescent Moon in the evening sky. Mercury is also with the Moon and Venus in the west shortly after sunset. 

What transmissions might Mercury have for the Sacred Feminine, as she integrates the experiences of this synodic cycle begun in August of 2023? This lunation month is ideal for contemplation and review, as Venus prepares to enter the final phase of this 19-month process of archetypal integration.

This Venus Moon meet-up marks the 8th Chakra Gate, the month-long portal of Awareness by Intent. A time to connect with the expanded frequencies of our highest self, while also remaining deeply sourced in the wisdom of our Earth-star chakra, tethering us with roots that reach into her core, as she holds us in love and protection.


Sunday, March 2


The Pisces Sun squares Jupiter in effervescent Gemini this morning, bringing to the fore any latent conflict between our heart’s longing to just go with the current watery flow, and our mind’s obsession with exploring all the fascinating flotsam and jetsam of this incarnate Earth walk we signed up for. A creative synthesis is waiting to be forged out of the chaos, as we walk the reality of this inescapable conundrum.


Monday, March 3


Sagittarius overstory Mercury enters Aries today, its fourth sign change since beginning the current synodic cycle last December. Mercury will be visible near the horizon after sunset until mid-March. This is the best evening apparition of Mercury in the Northern Hemisphere all year, so be sure to seek out the wisdom of this elusive planet over the next week or so as you keep an eye out to the western horizon.


Wednesday, March 5


The waxing Moon is with expansive Jupiter in Gemini tonight, already high overhead at sunset and setting after midnight. Red Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull constellation, and the Pleiades are both nearby. Be sure to tune in for this powerful activation, as Jupiter and the Moon light up the Galactic Edge. 


Thursday, March 6


The waxing Second Quarter Moon at 16 Gemini 21, moving out of bounds today, will square the Sun in Pisces. This is the first turning point in this month’s lunation cycle, as we solidify the intentions we set at the Pisces New Moon, and refine our journey towards the abundant flowering of the coming Full Moon in Virgo.

Be sure to apply Pisces’ deep compassionate wisdom to your own individual experience, treating not just others, but especially yourself, with gentleness and kindness as we go through this challenging time of unprecedented change. 

There are a lot of ramped-up energies on the loose right now, haranguing us relentlessly as we careen in our sadly dented bumper cars through an artificial landscape suffused with surreal half-truths and grotesque distortions of what we once held dear, frantically attempting to steer away from disaster, with no real destination. 

We need to remind ourselves that we actually do have the ability to just stop the ride and get off. Maybe its time to seek out a cool, quiet patch of green grass to simply stand in. As we soothe our beleaguered nervous systems, we can finally slow down enough to match the rhythms of a different, more life-affirming reality. Then maybe, just maybe, we will hear the soul whispers meant to lead us on to our true destination.


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