Pisces Lunation · Second Quarter

by Silvianne K. Delmars | March 7, 2025 |



Our lunation week begins with a lively second quarter Moon in Gemini and ends with a compelling Lunar eclipse Full Moon in Virgo. Here are the highlights (all times in PST, then PDT after March 8).


Thursday, March 6


The waxing Second Quarter Moon at 16 Gemini 21, moving out of bounds today, squares the Sun in Pisces. This is our opportunity to refine the intentions made during the Pisces New Moon, as we head into eclipse season.

The Moon can be found tonight near bright Jupiter with Aldebaran, in the horns of the Bull constellation, and Capella nearby. Look for them high overhead after sunset, visible until after midnight.

With this boundary-busting Gemini Moon’s lively intelligence ramped-up by nearby Jupiter, the time is ripe for allowing our thoughts to stray delightedly, beyond rationality – and artificially imposed limits. Can we wield Gemini’s sense of cosmic humor to lighten things up, while still remaining heart-centered in this potent time of swirling emotions?


Friday, March 7


Sagittarius overstory Mercury, now in its Hermes evening star phase, reaches its greatest elongation later tonight. Look for this elusive messenger planet low in the west after sunset, below bright evening star Venus. This is the best evening apparition for Mercury in the Northern Hemisphere this year. Mercury will continue to be visible in the west for the next week or two.


Saturday, March 8


Cancer overstory Mars, still in his birth and emergence phase, is joined by the maximum out-of-bounds Moon tonight, hanging out near the twin stars Castor and Pollux. Look for them to the south in the evening sky. A great timing for dreaming into a new expression for this heart-centered Sacred Masculine archetype, able to extend his authentic love and nurturing beyond old, limited definitions to encompass a global family.


Sunday, March 9


Just a reminder for those of us living in USA areas affected by daylight savings time, that the clocks “spring forward” one hour early this morning.


Monday, March 10


Leo overstory Venus, approaching the final stages of her 19-month journey of archetypal integration, continues to activate this month’s eighth Chakra portal, the gate of Awareness by Intent. She is retrograde and very bright now, beginning to move closer to the horizon in the evening sky.

Tomorrow, Venus will meet up with Mercury in the west after sunset. The ancient Sumerians, in their mythic stories based upon the Venus synodic cycle, highlighted the importance of the relationship between this planet of the Sacred Feminine and messenger Mercury, seen as her friend and helper Ninshubar. What wise counsel might Mercury have for Venus, and for us, as she prepares for her metamorphic shape-change into a whole new archetypal expression over the coming weeks?


Tuesday, March 11


The waxing gibbous Moon will pass by royal star Regulus, the heart of the Lion constellation, over the next two nights. Look for the Moon just below the head of the Lion tonight, very near Regulus. Tomorrow it will be just below Regulus on the ecliptic, although the bright Moon may make the star harder to see.


Wednesday, March 12


Saturn is with the Sun tonight in Pisces, invisible to us, off the world stage. This is a wonderful timing for seeking wisdom, as responsible Saturn, planet of form and structure, receives transmissions from the cosmos as it prepares to journey through the last degrees of spiritual Pisces and into Aries over the next months. How can we best ground our spiritual insights, turning them into supportive habits and actions in our everyday lives?


Thursday, March 13


We open this year’s first eclipse season tonight, as the Full Moon at 23 Virgo 57 stands opposite to the Sun in Pisces, exact at 11:55 pm PDT. That’s three minutes before the exact midpoint of the total lunar eclipse, visible in parts of Antarctica, the western half of Africa, western Europe, the Americas, the Pacific Ocean, eastern Australia, northern Japan and eastern Russia.

This is a South Node eclipse and can be particularly powerful for engaging in shadow work as we clear old stories, especially if we are in the eclipse path. With Saturn and Neptune joining the Sun and North Node in Pisces, opposite the Virgo Moon, there is an amplification of the current emphasis on all things Pisces. We find ourselves continually awash in emotional waters, in danger of drowning in the strong currents. The potential for deep, heart-centered connection with Spirit is immanently present in every moment. As are the whirlpools of confusion and lack of boundaries.

At this time of deep transformation on mother Gaia, many of us are called to hold a calm space in the midst of a world gone mad, as we strive to transmute fear into love, through the vulnerable alchemy of authentic grief. This powerful eclipse Moon offers us a portal of personal healing designed to accelerate our capacity to show up even more strongly, if we can navigate its deep waters with heart-centered awareness.


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