by Daniel Giamario | March 9, 2025 |
From February 25 to March 8, for the first time since 2019, I visited Bali. Prior to “Covid”, I had conducted many in-person trainings for the Turning of the Ages Mystery School (formerly Shamanic Astrology Mystery School) on the island. It was a trip filled with marvels.
Solar Zenith
My first stop was visiting Emerald, my old friend of 40 years, and experiencing his new home on the East Coast of Bali. On my first full day, we had the perfect experience of a phenomenon that can only happen when one is located between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn: The Solar Zenith, time of no shadow, something that has fascinated me for decades. Bali is 8degrees South Latitude, and it turned out that February 26 was one of the only two days of the year the Solar Zenith happens here. Check out these photos!
Following my time with Emerald, I journeyed farther up the Coast to Amed, where I met up with Zeina Yazbek, a foundationally certified TOTAMS Astrologer, who graciously hosted me for my remaining time in Bali. This was my first ever visit to Amed, now my favorite place in Bali!
Amed is right up against the flanks of the magnificent Mount Agung. From the beach we witnessed the beautiful eighth gate of Venus: The gate of Expanded Awareness by Intent.
Zeina had previously photographed the Sun setting directly into the Volcano!
One of the great things about the Amed location is that it is between the ancient and original twin pillars of Hercules, where Mount Agung and Mount Ranjani on the island of Lombok guard the Lombok Strait, the ancient entrance into the heartland of Atlantis, and original Prime Meridian of Earth. See my video with Gemini Brett on this topic.
Meet-up with Friends and Graduates
While in Amed, Zeina organized a meet-up with old friends and graduates who are currently living in Bali. It was a fun day with Levi Banner, Elli Fruehwirth, Olivia Sautereau, Talis Jacobson, Zeina and I.
Take note that Levi and Elli are producing our June 7-13 Callanish Lunar Standstill gathering. There are still a few spaces available for this final chance until 2043 to see the Full Moon walking on the land!
Planning for November Course 01
One of the reasons for this trip to Bali was to planning an Understanding Birth Charts: The Journey of the Soul in-person certification level course in Amed! I now know it to be the perfect place for the first in-person course in Bali in six years! It is scheduled for November 14-19, 2025. Check out the details available for now and join TOTAMS in paradise!
Filming in Canggu
My final stop was another place I had not visited yet: Canggu, on the Southern shores of Bali, near the hustle and bustle of Denpasar and a prime locus for tourists. Hard to believe, but this area had more traffic and noise than Metro-Manila. However, Zeina and I were able to get some professional filming done which had been planned several years ago, as well as clips for promoting the November event.
All in all it was a highly enjoyable ten days, and I am excited to share about it with you and maybe even meet you there in November!