Virgo Full Moon: Walking the Sacred Path

by Silvianne K. Delmars | March 11, 2025 |



We open the year’s first eclipse season this week with a compelling Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 23 Virgo 57 (exact on Wednesday, Mar 13, at 11:55 pm PDT).



Both task-master Saturn and mystical Neptune are hovering close to the North Node and the Sun in Pisces, standing opposite to the Moon and South Node in Virgo. With Saturn and Neptune both approaching their transition into Aries (part of the unprecedented movement of all four outer planets from water and earth signs into fire and air within the same year), this Full Moon is an important chapter in the current planetary saga of transformation.

It’s certainly an attention-getting exclamation point in our ongoing conversation with the powerful gathering of energies in late degrees of Pisces, about to move into Aries – a potent push-pull between the sign that ends the zodiac circle and the one that denotes new beginnings. This gathering in Pisces is a process that began last month and continues strongly on into late April, when the zodiac balance shifts to Aries.

Until then, the emphasis is definitely on the Pisces part of the story, accentuated by this Virgo Full Moon. All full Moons activate both sides of the resonant polarity involved, not just the sign where the Moon falls. This month’s alignment of the Nodal Axis with the Moon and Sun (the definition of an eclipse), invites us to a rich and nuanced exploration of the Virgo-Pisces dance.


The Nodal Axis


The Nodes of the Moon invoke our trajectory over a 26,000 year timeline, with the South Node representing the origin point, and the North Node the eventual destination. This can be applied both to the collective experience of humanity, as well as our individual soul trajectories.

With archetypal Virgo as origin and Pisces as destination, we are being nudged to examine how we hold the balance between earth-based discernment and watery, feeling-based connectivity. Where might we be too attached to details, getting lost in our mental constructs instead of allowing events to flow with the watery currents of emotion-based, intuitive and compassionate understanding, so dominant at this moment in the astrological landscape?

Again, this is not an either/or, bad/good scenario, but one of effective balance. While this Full Moon certainly supports the full use of Virgo’s innate ability to tune in to details, leveraging this super-power to co-create with nature’s sacred patterning, its alignment with the South Node here also invites us to an excavation of any not-fully-conscious over-attachments to wanting things to go the way we think they should. Where does healthy Virgo discernment fall into dysfunctional addiction to perfection? What ego-fuelled control agendas are ready to be busted, freeing us to access the indefinably life-enhancing beauty and wisdom swimming in Pisces’ intuitive depths?

A South Node eclipse offers a magical opportunity for alchemical transformation. As the Moon experiences, in just a few intense hours, the changes it usually takes a month to complete, we are invited to participate in this accelerated window of change, as we bring our own internal shadow to light.


Eclipse Window and a New Venus Cycle


This lunar eclipse opens a two-week eclipse window that culminates in the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse on March 29. The very same morning, Venus will be rising just ahead of the Sun in the morning sky, marking the beginning of a brand new 19-month synodic cycle in the sign of Pisces. This is the first time in well over 100 years that any of the five different seasonal arms of the Venus “pentacle” will carry the Pisces overstory.  And when this same Venus return last occurred 8 years ago, Venus was making her heliacal rise in Aries for the last time in 104 years.

With this lunar eclipse on the Virgo/Pisces axis at its beginning, and a solar eclipse in Aries with a phenomenal Venus Rising marking its end, we are witness to an undeniable synchronicity. What new experiences of sacred communion is Venus longing to unfold as she begins her journey of archetypal integration in otherworldly Pisces? What is coming to completion in our own lives, and how can we invite ourselves into a deeper letting go, trusting in the infinite capacity of the cosmos to hold us safe?

What adventurous, all-new ways of being are reaching back to us from the unknown future at this fragile moment of unfolding?

This Full Moon eclipse entices us to step calmly onto a sacred path, deeply committed to the task at hand as we walk in the liminal space between worlds, with the desire for an ever-more-genuine experience of embodied wisdom – rather than an increased intellectual understanding – as our guiding light.


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