by Silvianne K. Delmars | Jan 29, 2025 |
Our lunation week begins with a rarefied Aquarius New Moon and ends with an eccentrically earthy Second Quarter Moon in Taurus on February 5. Here are the highlights (all times in PST).
Wednesday, January 29
The Moon, just moving back in bounds today, meets with the Sun at 09 Aquarius 51 in the early morning hours. This is a truly evolutionary New Moon, also marking the beginning of the Chinese New Year of the serpent. A powerful time for setting visionary intentions, not just for the coming month, but for this entire year of unprecedented change.
With Pluto and Mercury still together in very early degrees of Aquarius, not far away from the New Moon point, we have a strong reminder to go deep to source our visions in our heart wisdom, not just our heads, if they are truly meant to serve us through the rigors of the year ahead.
Thursday, January 30
Uranus is stationing direct this morning at 23 Taurus 15. This portends a slow but potent energy shift, as this unpredictable change agent prepares to move forward once again to finish up its nearly 8-year journey through rooted Taurus. Are there stable ways of relating to your body or the environment that have been challenged, perhaps uncomfortably, since Uranus turned retrograde in early September?
Time to celebrate any hard won flexibility you may have acquired in the process, and explore ways to deepen this lighter way of being over the coming months, as Uranus prepares to leave Taurus and dip its toes into Gemini in early July.
Friday, January 31
The Moon, in mid-degrees of Pisces, will be hanging out near Saturn this evening after sunset in the southwestern sky, with bright Venus above. In some places (including parts of Asia, China, Japan and Russia) the Moon can be seen to occult Saturn. Venus and Saturn can be found in the Water Bearer constellation, among the star streams of flowing water/plasma.
Saturday, February 1
Leo overstory Venus, nearing the end of her 19-months journey of archetypal integration, is meeting with the waxing crescent Moon this evening in the southwestern sky in the zodiac sign of Pisces. This marks the crown chakra gate in her evening star phase. Look for the Moon and Venus together about an hour after sunset, with Saturn just below. Venus and Saturn will then set a few hours later.
In a truly stunning synchronicity, Venus, Neptune, the Moon, and its North Node will all be very close together over the course of just a few hours today, with various meetings taking place among them, exact to the degree and minute, in the culminating degree frequencies of this final sign of the zodiac wheel.
Although Neptune and the North Node are not visible, we will most certainly be able to feel into their presence in this sublime moment of spiritual encoding and expanded consciousness, as we tune in to Venus and the Moon, fully grounded and supported by nearby Saturn.
Our future selves are reaching back at this pregnant moment, longing to bring us into resonance with our our own heart’s most expansive wisdom. The exquisite frequency of cosmic love is beckoning, inviting us to cross the portal into ecstatic communion with All That Is, to seed us with a precious experience of New Earth reality. Be sure to answer the call!
Sunday, February 2
Cancer overstory Mars, still in the birth and emergence phase of his 25-months long synodic cycle that began on January 15, is still very bright in the evening sky after sunset, visible until dawn. He is slowly passing by the twin stars of Castor and Pollux.
This continues to be a great time to dream with Mars, as he explores a new version of the authentic masculine expression of healthy nurturing. What new, more cosmic, definitions of tribe and family are waiting to be birthed at this time of planetary dissolution and rebirth?
This evening is Imbolc eve, with the Sun due to reach 15 degrees of Aquarius tomorrow morning, marking the half-way point between the Capricorn Solstice and the Aries Equinox. Although the exact origins of this Celtic word are unclear, it is thought to mean “in the belly” – a reference to the ewes who birth in the spring.
Traditionally a time for ceremonial cleansing, as we clear out the old in preparation for the new life we can feel stirring around us, this is also a time to foster creativity and inspiration, as reflected in the association of Celtic Brigid, goddess of healing, poetry, and hearth, with this seasonal timing.
Monday, February 3
The Moon has its monthly meet-up with Chiron at 19 Aries 34 just after midnight, followed by a Mars-Chiron square this evening. This “crisis in action” aspect invokes the need to heal the wounds inflicted by millennia of a distorted version of the sacred warrior, so that a new version of the nurturing masculine can emerge.
Some subjects for contemplation inspired by this planetary initiation might include, “What false allegiances to ideas of right and wrong am I still holding onto in my own psyche, keeping me from expressing and accepting the nurturing I so long for? Am I truly willing to accept help when I need it? How do I express support for what I most value in my life, and are there ways I would like to change these expressions?
Venus enters Aries late this evening. As the planet of the sacred feminine nears the end of her current journey, she is stepping into this sparky first zodiac sign, in preparation for her new synodic cycle set to begin at the end of March in numinous Pisces. This is only one of many examples of the intense dance playing out this year between these first and last signs on the seasonal wheel.
We are being invited to find ways to infuse pioneering Aries with Pisces’ innate connection with All Oneness, softening some of its rough edges, without dampening its spontaneous ability to courageously follow its sparky inner knowing.
At the same time, compassionately open-hearted Pisces is learning how to set unfamiliar boundaries, healing its tendency to over-giving, without losing any of its intrinsic trust and innocence. Daunting but crucial tasks, as we strive to show up wholeheartedly in this time of great chaos and uncertainty.
Tuesday, February 4
Jupiter stations direct today at 11 Gemini 18. Still high and bright in the evening sky, in the horns of the Bull constellation with fiery Aldebaran nearby, this planet of expansion and enthusiasm is ramping up all things Gemini, as it runs full steam ahead from now until mid-June, when it will begin its next year-long transit, through watery Cancer. A great timing for research and creative investigations into the realm of the mind, and for making unexpected connections that foster new expressions that go beyond conventional definitions.
Wednesday, February 5
The Second Quarter Moon, at 16 Tau 46, squares the Sun in Aquarius just after midnight, bringing us to a new turning point and the end of this lunation week. Uranus is in a close conjunction, meeting up with the Moon late morning.
As higher frequency energies continue to infuse our world, all that does not resonate will come up to be released. This can be a fundamentally uncomfortable process. This week promises to be a prime example of this conundrum. The Moon in earthy, comfort-loving Taurus squaring evolutionary Aquarius is pointing towards the vital need to tune in to and nurture our body in simple, loving, elemental ways. Not with a sense of resistance or resentment to all the intense challenges that have been coming our way—and will continue to come over the months ahead – but rather as a counter balance.
Our biggest task right now may well be simply to touch into our deepest spiritual center and hold a place of calm in a world gone mad. To do this, we must learn to extend compassion to ourselves and our very human needs on an ongoing, everyday basis, expressed in tangible ways. This T-Square in signs of healthy self-interest is encouraging us to honor, indeed to celebrate, our quirky eccentricity, loving ourselves and others for our seeming flaws as well as our strengths, as we surrender to the chaotic birthing of a never-before-imagined, New Earth reality.